John W.
What may be done by pluck and energy,
persistent determination and industry, is well illustrated by the case of Peter
Yarling. Born in 1810, of poor parents who eked out a hard living in
the city of Darmstadt, he found himself in boyhood condemned to the same life of
drudgery and toil. He had heard, however, of a the great new republic
across the sea, and longed to try his fortunes in the land of promise, which
held out a welcome to all who were willing to become men among men. So one
day in 1830, just as he was finishing his twentieth year, Peter bade farewell to
the Fatherland, got on board of the first ship he could find, and sailed in the
steerage for the Western wilderness. Eventually finding his way to
Cincinnati he worked for a while as a common laborer, but his ambition was for
better things, and, as a step forward, he started on foot to Indianapolis to
make an entry of government land. This was in 1835. He secured
eighty acres of wild land, located in Marion township, Shelby county, and then
walked all the way back to Cincinnati to make arrangements for taking
possession. Peter Yarling worked very hard placing his forest grown land
into shape, but in time, after much hardship and privation, he had converted it
into a very respectable farm. He prospered and accumulated, adding on new
purchases as he could, and at the time of his death, which occurred in April,
1876, on the place where he had labored so assiduously, he was the owner of five
hundred acres of fine Shelby county farming land. In the same year and
about the same time he was crossing the ocean another ship was bringing over a
poor German girl, by the name of Mary Miller, and shortly after her
arrival they met each other in Cincinnati. She was just a year his junior,
having been born in 1811. Their marriage occurred in 1835, and she made
him a devoted wife, sharing in all his labors and trials, his joys and his
sorrows. Of their nine children, five are still living: Mary,
who married George W. Phares, resides in Shelbyville with her
husband, who has retired form active business. They have five children,
and the two sons are physicians. Michael, who married Rexie
Talbert has three children, all married. Jacob
married Anna Branson, and Catherine, who is the wife
of Samuel Herthel, has three children.
John W.
Yarling, second of the surviving family, was born in Marion township, Shelby
county, Indiana, February 12, 1844. He spent his boyhood on the home farm,
learned all the ins and outs of the business, and was well qualified to take
charge when the place fell to him by inheritance. Altogether he spent
forty years of his life in the place adjoining that entered by his father.
He owns five hundred and sixty acres of excellent land, located in four
different township. In 1908 he removed to Shelbyville, and has since been
taking things easy at his home, contented and happy with all his
surroundings. Though a Democrat by conviction and a voter of the ticket,
he has never aspired to office or wasted time in political wrangles. On
February 1, 1866, he married Eliza J. Meaks, by whom he has seven
children; Carrie, now Mrs. Edward R. Moberly, lived on
a farm in Marion township. Jessie, who married John T.
Devening, resides on a farm in Hanover township. William H.,
who married Lizzie Dipple, lives in Marion township. John
L., who married Lucy John (died last December), who
married Anna Billman, has three children, and farms in Addison
township. Connie, wife of Arthur Williams, has three
children and resides in Union township. Thomas E., who
married Grace Vaught, is on the home place in Addison township.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well
known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming for Christal
Callahan Culp

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