Samuel B. Conover
When John B. Conover, grandfather of the gentleman whose name heads
this review, left New Jersey, his native state and settled on Blue river in what is now Shelby county, Indiana,
in about 1815, he found a boundless wilderness, in many places abounding in marshes and infested with savages and
ferocious wild beasts, but being a man of strong heart and limb he feared neither and, entering land from the government,
set about to make a home where he spent the remainder of his days, developing a good farm by much toil and hardship.
Here his children, four boys and one girl, grew up, all now deceased. John B. Conover, the father of the subject of this review, was born and reared in Shelby county, and here
he married Roanna
Hawkins, immediately
afterwards moving to Hamilton county, this state, where he secured a farm on which he lived until about ten years
prior to his death, when he moved back to Shelby county, where he died. He was a successful farmer and a man of
influence in his community. His family consisted of eight children, namely: John S., Eliza, Sarah, William, Maggie, Matilda, Samuel B., Albert L. Of this number three girls and two boys are now living. Samuel B. Conover,
the seventh child in order of birth in this family, was born in Hamilton county, Indiana, October 9, 1854. He was
reared on the home farm, which he helped to clear, ditch and improve in general. The first school he attended was
in an old log cabin, equipped with and old-fashioned fire place; the education he thus received was somewhat limited
but he become a well read man in later years. He remained at home until he was twent-one years old, after which
he worked on the farm by the day and month.
Mr. Conover was married to Ella Wilson and two children were born to this union, Claude E., born February 26, 1885, married Hazel Wertz; Claressa
Cecil, born September
17, 1887. Mrs. Conover is deceased. Mr. Conover then married Mrs. Charlotte (Eberhart) Hill, who was born in Jackson township, Shelby county, December 29, 1863, daughter
of Andrew J. Eberhart, and three children were born to this union,
namely: Edna F., born January 1, 1893; Elva, born May 5, 1897; Marie, born July 13, 1900. By her former marriage Mrs. Samuel B. Conover became
the mother of two sons, Walter F. and Marvin J. Hill. The latter married Eva Couchron*, of Flat Rock, and they reside in Chicago. Walter F. Hill married Mamie Nail, who became the mother of one son, Ralph. The mother died in 1903. Mr. Conover is devoted to his family and always looks well
to their interests. He has a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres in section 2, range 6, east. It is
under a high state of improvement and he has a good dwelling and barns. In politics he is a Democrat; he
was at one time road supervisor and he at present is a member of the Township Advisory Board. He looks after
the interests of his township with the same care as if they were his own private affairs. He is a member
of the Christian church at Mt. Auburn, while his wife affiliates with the Wesleyan Methodist church. He is regarded by all who know his as one of the substantial men of Washington township.
From Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 552-553.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
* Probably COCHRAN - pmf

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