Shelby County, Indiana
Lester Clark
Lester Clark, Superintendent of Schools of Shelby County, was born March 27, 1S56, and is the son of Barrack E. and Sarah (Bilby) Clark, and is of English descent. Our subject is the younger of two children, and the only one now living. He was raised on the farm by his maternal grandparents, and received a fair common school education. He afterward was a student at normal schools. Both of his parents having died while he was an infant, Mr. Clark has had to work his own way up in the world, hence his education is entirely due to his own energy and effort. He began teaching school in 1876 in Hendricks Township, this county. Since then he has taught seven terms in that township and two terms in Johnson County. About two years ago he moved to Shelbyville, and spent the winter of 1886 and 1887, teaching school in Addison Township. June 6, 1887, he was elected Superintendent of Shelby County - over eight competitors, which position he now holds. Mr. Clark has been married twice. August 24, 1880, Miss Bettie Hoover, of Johnson County, became his wife, and bore him two children, Arthur B., who died March 12, 1883, and Willie. She died March 1, 1883, of that dread disease consumption. December 24, 1885, he was wedded to Miss Rebecca Trew of this city, and to them one child has been born, Charles Trew. Politically, Mr. Clark is a Democrat. He is a member of Chillon Lodge No. 129, K. of P. He and his wife are both members of the First Baptist Church of this city. Mr. Clark is a conscientious Christian gentleman, and his friends predict that his administration as County Superintendent will be eminently successful.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, 1887, "Shelbyville
Sketches," page 475-76.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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