Shelby County, Indiana
Andrew J. Monroe
Dividing his time between the pursuit of agriculture and the management of a flouring mill, Andrew J. Monroe naturally leads a very busy life, but as he is the possessor of a large fund of energy, he seems to derive pleasure from the fact that he is kept busy. Mr. Monroe was born in Shelby county, November 5, 1846, and he has been identified with many enterprises that had for their object the furtherance of the interests of the community. His parents were John and Amelia (Slye) Monroe. His father was born in Ohio county, West Virginia, June 14, 1803. In 1809, when he was but six years of age, his parents removed to the state of Ohio, taking up their residence in Clermont county. It was here that the youth developed into manhood, and eventually married. He and his wife came to Shelby county in 1832, and entered two hundred acres of land in Noble township, which by dint of hard work, he brought up to a high state of cultivation. He lived on this farm until his death in December, 1887, his wife surviving him but a few years. Of the thirteen children that were born to the couple, eight are living. The father of the subject as a public-spirited man was far in advance of his time, and was always to be found at the head of any movement that had for its purpose the advancement of Shelby county. He was a Republican, and made his influence felt in every campaign. He also had strong religious convictions and was a member and regular attendant upon the services at the Methodist church.
Andrew J. Monroe was the youngest of the boys. He began work on the farm just as soon as he had completed a short course in school. He remained at the home of his parents until he became of age, and then worked for different farmers in the immediate neighborhood. He was twenty-six years old when he married Caroline Maple, the alliance being contracted in 1872. She died in 1897, and was the mother of four children, Elzy, Clarence, Jessie and Oma. The former is a high school graduate and is now at Richmond.
Mr. Monroe married a second time, his bride being Linnie Deiwert, daughter of William Deiwert, of Washington township. As the fruits of this union there are four children, namely: Esther, Lloyd, Eugene and Ralph. They all live at home with their parents, and give promise of developing into very bright men and women.
Mr. Monroe is a member of Waldron Lodge, No. 217, Free and Accepted Masons. He is past master and represents the lodge in the Grand Lodge sessions. Mrs. Monroe is a member of the Eastern Star. In 1893 he bought the Cave Flouring Mills, and he has conducted this enterprise ever since. It has a perfect roller system, and is one of the best equipped establishments of the kind in the state. In connection with the mills he owns ten acres of land lying along the bank of Flat Rock river. Mr. Monroe is a Republican, although he does not give a great deal of attention to politics, his business requiring most of his time.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, p 749-750.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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