Jacob H.
Jacob H. Thomas, merchant, grain dealer and proprietor of the saw mill located at Ray's Crossing, is
a native of Ripley County, Ind., born March 5, 1827, being the fourth in a family of eight children, born to
George and Elizabeth (Elder) Thomas, who were both natives of Tennessee. They came to Indiana in
a very early day, located for a time in Ripley County, then removed to Rush County, where they continued
to reside until their deaths, both dying in the year 1869. Our immediate subject remained with and assisted
his parents on the farm until he attained his majority, receiving a common school education. December,
1847, his marriage with Elizabeth Heflin was solemnized, and to their union two children were born, this
one now living, Mary E., now Mrs. James Muse. June 8, 1854, Mr. Thomas suffered the bereavement of losing his beloved wife. March 29, 1855, his and Amanda Bramble's nuptials were celebrated, and one child blessed their union, since deceased. Their union was also of comparative sort duration, death removing her January 8, 1857. March 19, 1859, Delilah Titus became his wife. By her he is the father of two children: James J., who married Eliza J. Branson, and William R. August 8, 1866, death
again visited the home of Mr. Thomas, taking his companion. In 1876, he became a permanent resident of
Shelby, [Union Township] and engaged at times since at grain dealing and saw milling. In 1878, he estab-
lished his store. From a financial point of view, Mr. Thomas has been quite successful. He is a member of the Independent Order of Red Men. In politics, he has always taken a part, and always manifests a good,
live interest in ....
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 777.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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