Shelby County, Indiana
Harry Meikel
Harry Orlando Meikel.
He who adds to the beauty of the world and makes it attractive
through the sense of vision is a benefactor of his race though his name be
unknown beyond the circumscribed limits of the little locality in which the
even tenor of his life is passed far from the maddening crowd. Such an in
dividual is Harry Orlando Miekel, the subject of this review, and the leading
florist of Frankfort, through the medium of which calling he has done much
to arouse a taste for something else than the merely practical and induce not
a few to turn their attention to the cultivation of flowers — the most beauti
ful of nature's adornments and among the most precious of God's gifts to
man. Mr. Meikel is a native of Indiana and of German ancestry, from
whom he doubtless inherits his taste for the true, the beautiful and the good.
His father, Charles P. Meikel, was born in Pennsylvania, of German par
entage, and his mother, who bore the maiden name of Mary E. Null, was a
native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a lady of much more than ordinary intelligence and natural refinement. Charles P. Meikel when a youth learned the
printer's trade and in due time became very experienced and skillful in the
art preservative, as the several responsible positions he held with various
publishers abundantly indicate. A number of years ago he located in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he followed his chosen calling successfully until his
death, in 1884, his wife surviving him ten years after that date.
Harry Orlando Meikel was born in Indianapolis February 28, 1863, and
received a good education in the schools of that city. While still a mere
youth he manifested much more than ordinary interest in the growing of
flowers and later decided to make floriculture his life work. In 1901 he
came to Frankfort to engage in the business which proved successful from
the beginning and to which he has devoted his attention with satisfactory
financial results ever since. As already stated, he is today the leading florist
in the city, being proprietor of an establishment consisting of 132 square feet
of space on East Barner street, nearly all under cover, besides owning two
acres of fine bottom land which he devotes exclusively to the cultivation of
the different varieties of bulbous plants, which of recent years have become
so popular with gardeners and others.
Mr. Meikel has made a careful and systematic study of his vocation,
keeps in touch with every advancement in floriculture and carries a full and
complete stock of all kinds of flowers and plants for which there may be a
demand. His place is a favorite resort of people of refined taste, as well as
for the general public and his financial success has kept pace with the growth
of his business, as is indicated by the respectable standing he occupies among
the solid men of his adopted city. As a citizen he is public spirited and popu
lar, keenly alive to every laudable movement having for its object the mater
ial advancement of the community and the intellectual and moral welfare of
the populace.
In his political affiliations, Mr. Meikel is a Republican, but in no sense
a partisan or aspirant for the honors and emoluments of office. His fraternal relations include membership with the Knights of Pythias. Independent
Order of Red Men and the Haymakers. Religiously, he has strong and well
grounded convictions, being a sincere believer in the Sacred Scriptures and a
respected member of the Presbyterian church of Frankfort, to which eccles
iastical organization his wife also belongs. He is a gentleman of domestic
as well as refined tastes and has a pleasant home in the above' city which is
presided over by an intelligent and gracious lady, to whom he was united in
the holy bonds of wedlock August 1, 1900, and who previous to that time
was Miss Ada A. Kelly, of Shelbyville, Indiana.
The History of Clinton County, Indiana, Hon. Joseph Claybaugh, 1913, A. W. Bowen & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, page 516.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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