Philip Peter Kehrt
the many sturdy German farmers of Shelby county who deserve mention in the present volume is Philip Kehrt, who lives in Union township, on the farm where he was born. He was the seventh in a
family of nine children. His father,
Peter Kehrt, was born in Rheinpflatz,
Germany, April 30, 1812. He came to America when a young man, and made his way to Indiana, locating in Shelby
county. He was an industrious worker, and became engaged in farming. He was able in due time to put himself into
possession of a well improved farm, and became known as one of Shelby county's thrifty settlers. He died December
26, 1875.
Anna Mary Haehl,
Philip's mother, was also born in Germany, her birth occurring February 27, 1817. She married Mr. Kuhn after coming to Shelby county, and lived to the age of seventy years, passing to her rest
January 6, 1887. She was the mother of the following children: Elizabeth, Conrad, Margaret and
Henry, deceased; Katherine, who married Mr. Backstead;
Mary, deceased; Philip
Peter, Phoebe and a younger child,
both deceased.
Owing to unfortunate conditions Philip received but
a meager education, the winter terms of school being short and the schooling scant. However, he learned
the lessons of thrift and economy at home and these virtues have stood him in good stead during his succeeding
At the age of twenty-one he started out to make his own way, and devoted himself to farming, and
seven years later was joined in marriage to Mary
Dewitt, this union resulting the
birth of the following children: George, born February 16, 1885, married Adelphia Marshall;
Ella, born May 17, 1886; Laura, born
January 14, 1888, and married to Charles
Edwards, and Clarence, born October 16, 1890.
Mr. Kehrt lived for seventeen years after his marriage on the George Berry
farm, in the southern part of Union township, but in recent years has occupied the home place. The farm is in
the best condition and bears all the marks of careful and efficient management. Mr. Kehrt adheres to the Democratic
party, but has never sought office. He is a member of the Christian Union at Ray's Crossing, and contributes materially
to its support. He is a man of excellent standing in the community, one who is recognized as an obliging neighbor,
willing at all time to co-operate for the common good.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County,
Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick,
B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 565-566.

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