Prewitt & Co., proprietors, is situated on the southwest corner of Harrison
street and the Public Square. H. L. Prewitt, the resident member of the
firm, has been actively engaged in the boot and shoe business since the year
1873. The "Company" part of this institution is a large wholesale house in
Indianapolis. On the first of July, 1878, this firm purchased the stock of
Eschmeyer & Bro. at receiver's sale. They immediately restocked the store
with goods best adapted to the trade in this market, and have cut down
prices to such an extent that the name, "Rock Bottom," given to the store,
is very appropriate. Mr. Prewitt, in having a wholesale house for his
partner, has a great advantage over the most of dealers. He is enabled,
thereby, to save one profit in his purchase of goods, which the customers of
the Rock Bottom, in turn, save when they buy. This is a fact that should not
be overlooked. One profit is a "big thing" these times, and an inspection of
their goods and prices will convince the most skeptical. Another advantage
is that they know just what they buy, and consequently, can warrant
everything to be just as they represent them to be. They carry a large and
complete stock of boots and shoes for men and boys, ladies' shoes of all
grades and prices, and the best line of children's foot wear in the city.
Also a well assorted line of hats and caps. All the latest and nobbiest
styles can be seen at this store. They are constantly in receipt of new
goods, and have added to their stock until it is now complete and not
equaled in variety and quantity by any other house in the city, and they are
not afraid to let the people know it or to invite inspection. With their
long experience and unequaled facilities they can furnish a better class of
goods and at less prices than anybody. Capt. J. M. Blair is connected with
the Rock Bottom, and will take pleasure in catering to the wants of any of
his many friends who may see fit to give him a call.
Next biography in the "Smiling
Shelbyville" newspaper article, Samuel
Contributed by Jeanne Surber