W. Fleming
George W. Fleming, is a native of Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania. He is a son
of Dr. George W. Fleming, and Belinda (McGrew) Fleming, and
was born November 27, 1843. The father of Dr. Fleming, born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in the year
1801, entered Washington College at an early age, and completed his literary course in 1822. He immediately
began the study of medicine in his native town under Dr. James Straus, an eminent physician
of that place. In 1830, he first came to Shelby County; remaining but two years, he returned to Pennsylvania;
but in 1849, came again to Shelbyville, where he resided until his death, March 21, 1864. He is remembered
as one of the most eminent physicians this section of Indiana ever had. The mother of our subject, born in Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania, in 1808, is still living in Shelbyville. Dr. Fleming is the elder of two children,
the younger of whom, Thomas, is a cashier of the Shelby Bank. He came with his parents
to this county in 1849, and soon attended the public schools of Shelbyville. In 1861, he entered "Washington
and Jefferson College" of Pennsylvania, graduating from that school in 1865. First beginning the study
of medicine in the office of S. D. Day, M.D., in 1866, he next attended school at Ann Arbor,
Mich., and graduated from the department of chemistry; then attending lecture at Bellevue Hospital Medical College,
of New York City, he received his degree from that institution in 1868. The same year he located at Shelbyville,
where he has since continued in the practice of his profession. In 1879, Dr. Fleming married Mrs.
Laura G. Wilson, youngest daughter of Solomon A. Gorgas. He is up
with the times in everything relating to his profession and has made several trips to Europe, taking the advantage
of visiting the hospitals of its different countries, to further his knowledge. In politics he is an ardent
Republican and socially, is a very pleasant and courteous gentleman.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Shelbyville Sketches," pages 484-85.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Among the physicians of Shelbyville, Dr. Fleming
ranks deservedly high, and this he owes to his ability as a physician, his integrity as a man, and his strict,
close attention to his practice. He was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., Nov. 27, 1843; his father was Dr. George
W. Fleming, a native of that State, where he was married to Mrs. M. Evans, to whom were born two sons
--- George W. and Thomas, the latter being now Cashier in the Shelby Bank. He came to this State in an early
day, but did not locate permanently until 1850, when he settled in Shelbyville, where he continued in the practice
of his profession up to his death, in March, 1864. His widow still survives him and is residing in this city. The
subject of this sketch was 7 years of age when his parents moved to this county, and when 17, he returned to Pennsylvania
and entered Washington Literary College, where he graduated in 1865; soon after, he returned to Shelbyville and
entered the office of Dr. Day, and in the winter of 1866-67, attended a course of lectures at the University
of Michigan, where he graduated in the Department of Chemistry; in the winter of 1866-67, he attended Bellevue
Hospital Medical College, New York, graduating in the spring of the latter year; returning to Shelbyville he entered
into partnership with Dr. Samuel A. Kennedy, which continued for about eighteen months, to the mutual benefit
of both, at which time the partnership was dissolved., Dr. Fleming removing to his own office, where he has since
continued in a large and increasing practice; in 1872, he spent the greater part of the winter in the hospitals
of New York City; in 1874, he made an extended tour of the West India Islands, and, in 1876, took a trip through
the Southern States and along the Atlantic seaboard; in the spring and summer of 1878, he made a tour of Europe,
visiting the principal cities of the British Isles, as well as those of the Continent; while on those trips he
took the advantage of visiting the principal hospitals, thereby gaining a fund of medical knowledge not easily
obtained elsewhere; in October, 1878, he returned to Shelbyville, and in May, 1879, was married at Indianapolis,
to Mrs. Laura Wilson, youngest daughter of S. A. Gorgas, a former well-known merchant of Shelbyville.
Dr. Fleming is considered on of the best-read physicians of the county, and by practice and rigid study keeps well
a pace with the latest developments in medical science. In the sick-room he is kind and patient, doing everything
in his power for the speedy relief of the afflicted, and by his calmness in the hour of danger, inspiring the sufferer
with that confidence in his ability which is often half the battle. The Doctor is an inveterate enemy of quackery,
and cannot tolerate in a brother physician anything contrary to the code of ethics. In his social relation, he
is a pleasant, affiable gentleman, fond of the company of his friends and ever respectful of their opinions and
feelings. Still in the prime of manhood, he has many years of usefulness yet before him, and, judging by the past,
we may safely predict for him that successful future of which his youthful days gave bright promise.
Atlas of Shelby Co., Indiana, Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co, 1880, p 27-28.

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