Samuel McGaughey,
McGaughey, the grandfather of the doctor, was of Scotch-Irish descent,
though a native of Scotland. He married a Miss Litle, and had
five daughters and four sons, among whom was Robert L., the father
of the subject of this biography. He married Mary Ann,
daughter of Ezekiel Clark, to whom were born six sons and six
daughters. The birth of Samuel, the third son, occurred July
22, 1828, in Franklin County, Ind., where his life until his eighteenth year was
passed in the improvement of such educational advantages as the vicinity
afforded. After a brief period of teaching, finding his tastes in harmony
with an active professional career, he began the study of medicine with Dr.
D. S. McGaughey, of Morristown, Shelby Co., Ind., under whose preceptorship
he continued for three years. During this time he attended three courses
of lectures at the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, from which institution he
graduated in 1851. His first field of labor was at Palestine, Hancock Co.,
Ind., where he located the following year. He subsequently spent tow years
in Marietta, Shelby Co., and in May, 1856, made Acton, Marion Co., his
residence. He at once engaged in practice of a general character, which
steadily increased until it became extensive and laborious. He was for a
brief period associated with Dr. P. C. Leavitt, a very successful
practitioner, who served with credit in the army, and on his return resumed his
practice, which was continued until his death.
Dr. McGaughey
is a Republican in politics, though neither his tastes nor the demands of his
profession lead to active participation in the political events of the
day. He is identified with order of Masonry, and a member of Pleasant
Lodge, No. 134, of Free and Accepted Masons, of Acton. He is descended
from Scotch Presbyterian stock, and a member of the Acton Presbyterian Church,
as also one its trustees. Dr. McGaughey was in 1852 married to Miss Ann
A., daughter of Daniel W. Morgan, to whom were born children,
--- Robert and Otto Livingston. Mrs. McGaughey
died in 1857, and he was again married in 1858 to Miss Mary S. Boal,
whose children are Rachel, Mellie (deceased), Elizabeth
(deceased), Jennie, and Samuel..
History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana, by B. R. Sulgrove,
Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1884, page 297.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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