Jetson W. Smith
Jetson W. Smith (deceased) was born September
17, 1840, in Nicholas County, Ky., son of Jetson and Mary A. (James) Smith, who were natives of Kentucky and Maryland, respectively. The subject of this biography was the only child by his father's second marriage. He was reared on a farm, and was educated through his own exertion. Politically, he was a Democrat. In 1876, he was elected Clerk of Rush County, and re-elected to the same position in 1880. March 22, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Clarinda Rardin, a native of Rush County, Indiana. born March 27, 1866, and died January 12, 1884, and Oliver W., born December 26, 1871. Mr. Smith died September 8, 1879, and soon after Mrs. Smith removed
to the farm southwest of Milroy, where she remained until 1885. Mr. Smith was a Mason, an efficient officer, and was greatly beloved by those who knew him best. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Christian Church.
History of Rush County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1888.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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