Shelby County, Indiana
As vice president of the Sunnyside Land R Investment Company Archie G. Fleming represents important real estate interests of the Yakima valley. He is an energetic young business man, gifted with ability and discretion and always following the highest commercial standards. He has been connected with the institution of which he is vice president for about ten years, having been largely instrumental in making it what it is today. The company deals in city and farm lands and also maintains a loan department, all of its branches securing a gratifying income to its owners.
Mr. Fleming was born in Mound City, Missouri, in 1878 and is a son of G. W. and Emma (Bobletts) Fleming, who in 1883, when our subject was five years of age, removed to Tacoma, Washington, where the father was for many years successfully engaged as a contractor but is now retired. His wife has passed away. Archie G. Fleming was reared under the parental roof and received a thorough public school education, upon the completion of which he entered mercantile lines, with which he was connected until 1908. In 1899 he had removed to Sunnyside, at first holding clerical positions in some of the local stores but later engaging in the drug business on his own account until 1908, when he and William H. Harrison acquired the Sunnyside Land & Investment Company, of which he has been vice president ever since. There are, however, numerous other business organizations with which Mr. Fleming has been identified, among them the Fidelity Abstract Company, which he founded and of which he remained a director until he sold out his interest. For several years he was also president of the North Coast Lumber Company. Moreover, he has large farming interests throughout the county and derives a gratifying addition to his income from this source.
In 1904, at the age of twenty-six years, Mr. Fleming was united in marriage to Miss Mary Alice Williams, a daughter of T. C. and M. C. Williams, of Sunnyside, and to this union has been born a son, Harold W. In his political views Mr. Fleming is a republican but has never cared for office. Fraternally he is a member of the Elks Lodge, No. 318, of Yakima and is very prominent in the Masonic order, not only belonging to the blue lodge but also to the Royal Arch chapter. He is connected with the Commercial Club of Sunnyside and is thoroughly in accord with its purposes and activities. He is very patriotic and has done valuable field work in promoting war activities, serving as local chairman of the Red Cross. Since the 26th of October, 1918, he has been assistant regional athletic director of the Y.M.C.A. stationed at Bordeaux, France.
The History of the Yakima Valley, Washington, Comprising Yakima, Kittitas and Benton Counties, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1919, Volume II, page 186.
Contributed by Jeffrey L. Elmer

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