William Burkher
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday August 25, 1947
Page 3 column 3
Listening to Rev. William E. Burkher reminisce about the early days of
the furniture business here is interesting and entertaining even when you’re
sitting on a pile of boards on the floor of a building that smells like baby
chickens-with the temperatures around 100.
In going to Rev. Burkher’s home at 601 North Pike Street his wife told me I’d
find him at the Carney Hatchery. I did, with his sleeves rolled up and
face dripping. He was repairing equipment, which will house future egg
producers. Work, which he says, he shouldn’t take time to do but, "it’s
hard to turn any one down when they need something done."
Although he’s very much interested in ministerial work, Rev. Burkher has
been a furniture man almost all of his life, for 61 years to be exact, and his
gospel work didn’t begin until about 30 years ago. He went to work in 1886 to
learn wood carving at the Conrey-Davis factory and his weekly salary was
$1.50. The factory, located in the old woolen mills on the Franklin Pike, was in
its infancy and because it was such a small, one-horse, ill-equipped
establishment, it soon was dubbed "The Dinkey." The name stuck as long
as the factory was in operation. Unions et cetera didn’t seem to bother labor
and management much in those days from the tales Rev. Burkher brings out of his
"memory box." He recalls that since the plant was along side the
river, some of the men now and then took time out in the midst of production to
go fishing in the side-and that it wasn’t above the "bosses" to
filch the catch they brought in. He also recalls that it was a pretty poor grade
of furniture that was made in those days. The oak used often was so worm eaten
that it "looked like it has been shot with a gun." But old fashioned
shoe pegs pounded into the holes and sanded over took care of that and the
unfinished pieces, tables mostly, soon were on their way, via dray horse and
wagon, to a room down town where they were finished for market.
Rev. Burkher’s immediate boss during those days was the late Charles
Birely - who incidentally, as foreman, earned a weekly stipend of $12.00.
chuckles as he remembers that he had to act as "interpreter" between
Mr. Birely and a Swedish worker in the factory. His German heritage helped him
understand the man from the cold country while the boss "couldn’t make
heads nor tails of what the Swede said."
After the Dinkey was enlarged and moved into the city Mr. Burkher served as a
cabinet maker and inspector and then was foreman for 35 years-until the plant
was closed. Since that time he has kept up his wood working in a completely
equipped shop immediately behind his home. Over its door is a sign announcing
the place as the "Little Dinky." He could have enough work to keep
several men busy he says but he prefers to maintain an independent shop. However, for a while he did have another man working for
him - the man, no longer
living, was his superintendent at The Dinkey. Restoring antique furniture is one
of his specialties and according to him, that field is almost endless.
And now for the "the side" of this man who in looks and manner
belies his more than three score and 10 years. He became especially interested
in ministerial work when a mission was established by the late J. Fran
Orebaugh and Sam Kinsley, with the aid of Mr. Birely, where the
present Salvation Army citadel is located, Rev. Burkher preached at the mission
for four years and during this time he was asked by the Methodist district
superintendent to serve as a supply minister at the Winchester, Geneva and Ray
churches. He has had no formal training in the ministry but through the years
has presented innumerable sermons at many churches throughout the city and
During his time at the mission he remembers taking home scraps of leather
from the factory to resole and repair the shoes of children attending services
at the little building. And it was with quite a bit of personal satisfaction
that recently while filling the pulpit of a downtown church a woman came to him
and introduced herself as "one of the children whom you used to help at the
old mission on South Noble street." A gleam of the quality which makes him
a "personality worth mentioning" is visible in his eyes too as he
speaks of the services which he conducts on alternate Sunday afternoons at the Shelby
County Home. For several years he had made frequent visits to the Home,
talking with and presenting Christian messages to the residents in their rooms.
Bur five years ago, largely through his influence, a chapel was established in
the institution and now he holds sermons for the residents in a church-like
Rev. Burkher married
Miss Emma C. Clemenz, of Batesville community on
April 7, 1890, and they have one daughter, Mrs. Hazel Hamblen.
In the
Burkher home are several tables, a buffet and other articles, which he has made
and they, the home and the "Little Dinky," bear evidence that a man
who appreciates good furniture live there. Rev. Burkher was born just two blocks
from his present residence. He hasn’t "traveled much," he says
Contributed by Barb Huff

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