John Warble
JOHN WARBLE, a worthy citizen of Hendricks Township, is a native of Jefferson County, Virginia,
where he was born April 13, 1818, being the fourth in a family of six children born to
Matthias and
Elizabeth (Staubs) Warble, who were both natives of Washington County, Maryland.
They emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, in 1827, where they continued to reside until our subject grew
to manhood in that county, receiving a limited education, such as the subscription schools of those
days afforded. June 22, 1839, his marriage with Elizabeth Snyder
was solemnized. She was a
daughter of John and Nancy (Miller) Snyder; she was born and reared in Maryland.
To the
union of Mr. and Mrs. Warble, ten children were born, of whom these five are now living:
John W., Daniel, Nancy, now Mrs. George Cooper,
Michael and
Minerva, wife of John
Patterson. October, 1878, Mr. Warble suffered the bereavement of losing his beloved wife.
October 15, 1879, his and Elizabeth
(Wirtz)* Stein's nuptials were celebrated.
He has always
followed agricultural pursuits, and has been uniformly successful, being the proprietor of 160 acres
of well improved land. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
In politics he
is a Republican, but does not allow party prejudice to control him in voting for local officials.
deceased children were: Matthias, Jacob, Solomon, Elizabeth and Margaret E.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, pages 663-664.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
* Wertz

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