Mrs. Elizabeth
G. Billman
The name of Gordon will always be pleasantly remembered in Shelby
county owing to the public-spirited and progressive character of those who
have borne it. This is especially true of Leonidas Gordon, who developed
fine estates, accumulated large property interests and became a factor of importance
in the development of the county. Of like quality and near neighbors
were the Billmans, and it was quite in accord with the fitness of things that
such families and estates should be united by marriage. The Indiana branch
of the Gordon family was founded at Metamora, a small place on the canal
near Laurel in the county of Franklin. From there Leonidas Gordon came to
Shelby county, before the Civil war, and after running a mill at Marion with
success, afterwards became a prosperous farmer on a valuable estate near
Shelbyville. He married Julia Ann Pond, also of Metamora, and by her had six
children, of whom four are living. Among the latter is Elizabeth
G., who was
born in Marion township, Shelby county, Indiana, March 20, 1852. She was
reared and educated in her native locality and on February 8, 1870, was married
to Charles Billman, son of an old pioneer family, who became prosperous
after coming to this section. His father, Michael Billman, was a native of
Alsace, Germany, but came to America in 1829, when a young man, and here
met Magdalena Eckert, also of German birth. to whom he was subsequently
married. Of the nine children of this union only three are now living, to-wit:
Lee, Lizzie and Mrs. Maria Wells, of Chicago. Charles Billman after farming
for many years bought the Shelby Mills, but died two years after taking
possession. He was the father of six children, of whom five are still living:
Otto, the eldest, married Emma Yarling, and has one daughter;
Anna, the
eldest daughter, married J. O. Yarling, has three children and resides on a
farm two miles east of the city; Edward is a commission merchant in Cincinnati;
Emma, the second daughter, who remains at home with her mother,
is a student of art in water colors and displays an unusual degree of talent.
Elmer, the youngest child. is a partner with his brother Otto in the mill.
This property, which is very valuable, has in its time made fortunes for
several men. Established in the early forties by the Elliott
family, it has ever
since been one of the institutions of Shelbyville and Shelby county. The
power, originally water, has long since given away to machinery run by electric
dynamos. The engine is of one hundred and forty horse power, and the capacity of the mill is two hundred and fifty barrels a day.
The corn crib
holds twenty thousand bushels in ears, the wheat elevator nearly thirty thousand
bushels, and the mill proper three thousand bushels. Fully one hundred
and fifty thousand bushels of wheat and three hundred thousand bushels of
corn are consumed each year. A large exchange business of flour for wheat is
done with farmers, and great quantities of corn and bran and shorts are disposed
of for feed. The brands of flour handled are the "Favorite,'' the "Crescent''
and the "Silver Spray,'' all very popular and widely known and in
constant demand.
Mrs. Billman, who takes a mother's natural pride in her children, has good
reason to be proud of them as worthy descendants of noble sires. She had
them all carefully educated in the common and high schools of Shelbyville, and
all of her sons are well equipped for the responsible duties thrown upon them
in the management of valuable properties. Elmer, who is unmarried, makes
his home with his mother, and devotes his working hours to the mill with a
view of thoroughly mastering this important business in all its details.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well
known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming for Christal
Callahan Culp

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