Philip Gephart
Philip Gephart, an old and honored citizen of Brandywine
Township, is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, born October
3, 1829. He was the sixth of eleven children — seven sons and
four daughters — born to John and Julia Ann Gephart, both natives
of Lancaster County, Pa., of German descent. He spent his boyhood upon a farm in his native county.
At fifteen years of age he
began to learn the trade of a shoemaker. This was finished in
due time and received his attention for six, years. December 27,
185 1, he was married in his native county to Judith A. Pomeroy,
native of Henry County, Va., born April 8, 1832, and daughter of Thomas and
Judith (Fifer) Pomeroy, the former a native Connecticut, and the latter a native of
Virginia, of French and English
descent, respectively. For seven years after their marriage, Mr.
and Mrs. Gephart resided upon a farm in Montgomery County,
Ohio. In 1858, they came to this county and located upon the
farm they now occupy near Fairland. They are the parents of
five children, as follows: Florence, born February 8, 1853, died
August 17, 1853; Agnes J., born March 18, 1854, died July 29,
1854; Julia Ann, born February 20, 1855; Charles T., born June
21, 1857, and George H., born August 22, 1859. Mr. and Mrs.
Gephart are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In
politics the former is a staunch Democrat. He is the owner of
200 acres of excellent land, about three-fourths of which is in
a high state of cultivation. He is an industrious and successful
farmer, and he and wife are worthy and esteemed citizens.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, "Brandywine [Township] Sketches, pages 613-614.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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