George W. Snepp, Jr.
County, Ohio, has sent a large number of its best citizens to Jackson township, Shelby County, Indiana, who have
been instrumental in developing the resources of the latter; of these families none have done more or deserve greater
credit than the Snepps, of whom George
W., Jr., is a worthy descendant,
having been born here September 28, 1862, the son of John E. and Mary E. (Marker) Snepp, the former a son of Daniel Snepp, who was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, where he was reared and where he married.
He came to Indiana in an early day and settled in Jackson township, Shelby County, among the early inhabitants,
remaining here until his death. John E. Snepp married Mary E. Marker, and they became the parents of four children,
namely: Katherine, wife of Franklin Randolph,
a farmer in Hendricks township, this county; Minnie, wife of Ennis Eberhart,
of Washington township; Lydia
L., wife of Israel Pruitt, of Jackson township, and George W., Jr., of this review, who was reared in Jackson
township, and he has spent his entire life here. When he reached the proper age he attended the local schools during
the winter months and worked on the home place the remainder of the year, and when he reached manhood he decided
to make farming his career, working for his father for a period of ten years or until he was thirty-one years of
age. He has always been a hard worker and economical, consequently he has succeeded. He now owns eighty-seven acres
in section 24, where he makes him home, being an up-to-date farmer in every respect, studying and employing the
best methods of farming, and he keeps good stock. He has a very neat and comfortable dwelling.
Mr. Snepp married Amanda Snyder,
daughter of Michael Snyder. She was born in Shelby County March 29, 1858.
No children have been born to this union. Mr. Snepp is a member of the Lutheran church, while his wife has cast
her lot with the Methodists. He is a member of the Edinburg Lodge, No. 100, Free and accepted Masons, also
the Edinburg Lodge, No. 95, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is past noble grand and a member of the Grand
Lodge. He takes a great delight in lodge work, and he believes in carrying their excellent doctrines into his daily
affairs. Although a loyal Democrat, Mr. Snepp has never held office, preferring to devote his attention exclusively
to his fields and his stock.
It is deemed advisable to give the readers something
of the facts relating to the life of Daniel Snepp, who was a well known man in his day, having been born September
1, 1814. He married Mary
Rollman July 3, 1836.
She died February 22, 1853, and he was again married, choosing as a second wife Mary Guntle,
on October 16, 1855. She was born November 17, 1810, and died September 6, 1890. After a long and useful life Daniel
Snepp died November 2, 1895. By his first marriage the following children were born: Joseph, April
8, 1837; Elizabeth J., August 23, 1838; John E.,
June 11, 1840; William, November 27, 1841; Catherine,
April 12, 1844; George W., Sr., March 28, 1851. John E. Snepp died November 21, 1899.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local
talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909.
Copied by Melinda Moore Weaver for Bruce

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