John M. Moberly
John M.
Moberly, an enterprising farmer, is a native of Union
Township, Shelby County, born August 8, 1843, being the eldest
in a famiy of six children, four boys and two girls, born to Thomas
and Julia (Barnes) Moberly, who were both natives of Madison
County, Ky.; the former came with his uncle to Shelby County
when he was but seven years of age, and the latter came with her
parents in an early day, and they have since continued residents of
the county. Our immediate subject was reared to manhood on the
home farm, receiving a common education in the schools of the
county sufficient to enable him to teach, which he did for nine
terms. He remained at home and assisted his parents on the farm
until he attained the age of thirty-three years, when, December 27,
1876, his marriage with Mary Dewitt was solemnized, and to their
union three children have been born, viz.: Charles E., Harry M.
and Frank. He has always made farming his occupation, and he
has been very successful. He now owns 122 acres of well improved land, he belongs to the Masonic fraternity,
in politics he
is a Republican.
History of Shelby
County, Indiana, "Addison [Township] Sketches,"
pages 595, Brant and
Fuller, Chicago, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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