William J. Lowe
The subject of this sketch belongs to an old and well-known family, and traces his genealogy to an early period in the history of Maryland, where his paternal ancestors appear to have settled in the time of the colonies. His great-grandfather, who was a native of that state, migrated to Kentucky when the country was new, and there married and reared a family, among his children being a son by the name of Jonathan Lowe, who moved to Indiana in 1824, and settled in Orange county, later removing to the county of Decatur.
Jonathan H. Lowe, son of the above Jonathan, was born in Decatur County, May 30, 1830, and when a young man married Charity James, whose birth occurred in the same county on the 10th day of October 1839. They live, at this time, in Johnson county, and are the parents of children, as follows: William J. of this review; W.S ., H.V., Alpheus C., Thomas A., Mrs. Anna Hinkle, Lizzie, John A., Bertha, and Pearl C., three of whom, Lizzie, Bertha and John A., are deceased.
William J. Lowe, whose birth occurred on the 30th day of September, 1858, in Decatur county, was reared to farm labor, received his education in the public schools, and remained with his parents until about twenty years of age, when he severed home ties to make his own way in the world. Three years later he returned to his native county, where, on February 11, 1879, he was united in marriage with Florence English, daughter of William A. and Margaret (Johnson) English, following which he set up his domestic establishment on a farm, and from that time to the present has devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits.
Mr. Lowe has met with gratifying success as a tiller of the soil, and is now the possessor of a handsome competency, owning a fertile and well improved farm in section 31, Washington Township, Shelby County, to which he moved in December, 1907, and which, under his effective labors and excellent management, has been brought to a high state of cultivation. This home, which is one of the most beautiful and attractive in the community, is admirably situated, and in its improvement neither pains nor expense have been spared, the buildings being modern and in excellent condition, and everything on the premises bearing witness to the good taste and progressive spirit of the proprietor. Mr. Lowe has always taken an active interest in public matters, and for a number of years, enjoyed worthy prestige among the leaders of the Democratic party in Shelby county, being a judicious adviser in its councils and an influential worker for its success, during th eprogress of campaigns. In recognition of valuable political services, as well as by reason of his fitness for the position, he was nominated, in March, 1892, for Representative to the General Assembly, and at the ensuing election defeated his opponent by a handsome majority. Mr. Lowe's legislative experience was creditable to himself and satisfactory to his constituency, as he labored zealously during his term to advance the interests of his county and state, proving a valuable member of the various committees on which he served, and an influential participant in the general deliberations of the chamber. Since retiring from the Legislature, he has held no office nor aspired to public position.
Mr. Lowe is a Methodist in his religious belief, and for a number of years has been active in church work, especially in the Sunday school, where he has rendered efficient service as a teacher and official. Since 1902 he has been the able and enterprising superintendent of the Sunday school, under the auspices of the church at Norristown, during which time he has labored earnestly in varicus way to increase its membership and promote its interest. The organization at this time being the largest and most enthusiastic of the kind in the town, its continuous growth in numbers and advancement in the knowledge of the Scriptures and religious truths, generally being largely the result of his care and management.
He holds membership with the Sulphur Hill Lodge, No. 241, knights of Pythias, in which he has passed all the hairs, besides representing the organization in the Grand Lodge of the state, and filling worthily various other high official stations.
Mrs. Lowe was born in Decatur county, Indiana, May 4, 1856, received her preliminary education in the public schools, and later pursued her studies for some years in the graded schools of Greensburg. She has presented her husband with four children, the oldest of whom, Ruby, was born May 18, 1881, and is still a member of the home circle. R.M., whose birth occurred March 11, 1884, was graduated from the common schools, and subsequently married Maude Shrugar, and is now a farmer, of Noble township. Jessie, the next in succession, was born September 20, 1886, after whom is Grace, the youngest of the family, who was born November 23, 1888, and who is now the wife of Dillard M. Parrish, of Washington Township.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, 1909, pages 769-771.
Copied by Gloria Collins Jackson

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