Francis M. Meloy
This enterprising farmer and stock raiser is a native of Shelby county, Indiana, and is a son of Jesse Meloy, to whose sketch elsewhere in these pages the reader is respectfully referred for data concerning the subject's history. Mr. Meloy, whose birth occurred December 12, of he year 1872, was reared under the wholesome influences of rural life and his early contact with the soil had a decided influence in developing a vigorous physique, industrious habits, and the well rounded symmetrical character
which has enabled him to make the most of his opportunities and to forge to the front among the strong
and eminently successful men to whose efforts and influence the county of Shelby is largely indebted for
the prosperity which it now enjoys. At the proper age young Meloy entered the district schools of his
township, which he attended until obtaining a knowledge of the branches taught therein, and on his father's
farm he became familiar with the more practical affairs of life, being able while still a young man to do a man's
part at almost any kind of manual labor. After remaining under the parental roof until attaining his majority, he
began to make his own way in the world, choosing for his vocation the time-honored pursuit of agriculture, to
which he has since devoted his attention and in which his advancement has been such that he now occupies
a conspicuous place among the enterprising farmers of the township in which he resides.
Mr. Meloy cultivated a part of the home place for several years, but in December, 1907, moved to his present farm, which at that time was considerably run down and the buildings in ill condition, but which by a series of improvements he has since brought to a high state of cultivation, and converted into one of the most beautiful and desirable rural homes in the county. Progressive in the full meaning of the term, he has spared neither pains nor expense in reconstructing his buildings and adding to their attractiveness by erecting new
ones, while the excellent system of fencing, the fine condition of the fields, and the general air of thrift, by which the entire premises are characterized bespeak the care and attention devoted to his labors, and the success which usually follows well directed afforts and superior management.
Mr. Meloy cultivates the soil according to the most approved principles, and being familiar with modern agricultural science in all of its details, he realizes liberal returns from his time and labor, and in addition to raising abundant crops is also quite successful in the matter of live stock, making a specialty of registered thoroughbred Jersey cattle in the breeding and raising of which he has added very materially to his income.
His farm, which contains one hundred three and a half acres, is well situated and admirabley adapted to
the purposed for which it is used, the soil, by judicious rotation of crops and the application of artificial fertilizers retaining all of its original fertility and never failing to respond liberally to the demands made upon it.
Mr. Meloy, on September 12, 1894, was united in marriage with
Kittie Stine, of Jackson township, Shelby county, where her birth occurred August 26, 1877, being a daughter of John and Phoebe (Lemar) Stine, who are still respected residents of that part of Shelby county. This union has been blessed with three children, namely: Raymond F., born July 15, 1895; Helen B., born July 15, 1898, and Millard, who first saw the light of day on May 29, of the year 1904.
In his political allegiance Mr. Meloy is a Democrat, and though well informed concerning the principles and history of his own and other parties, and abreast of the times on the leading issues of the day and general current thought, he has no ambition in the direction of official preferment, nor any aspiration for
public honors. In matters religious he has strong convictions and well defined views, being with his wife,
a member of the Methodist Protestant church and, like her, deeply interested in all that makes for the good
of humanity.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 618-619.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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