Louis Webb
Honorable Louis E. Webb, mayor of the City of Shelbyville, is
a member of a family that has been in this section of Indiana for a century or
more. Mr. Webb learned the printing trade when a youth and is head of the
successful printing business which has been carried on for many years at
Shelbyville under the firm name of L. E. Webb - Printer.
He was born at Brownsville, Union County, Indiana, November 11, 1866.
grandfather was Forrest Webb, a Virginian, who was the founder of the family in
Indiana. Robert L. Webb, father of Mayor Webb, was born in Fayette County,
Indiana, and married Caroline Mason, of the same county. He had a variety of
business interests, being a farmer and stock dealer, and conducted a livery
stable and hotel in Shelbyville.
Louis E. Webb, one of five children, attended school at Milton and completed
his education at Shelbyville, to which place his father moved in 1881. Mr. Webb
at the age of seventeen began learning the trade of printer and has followed
that business now for over forty years. He has operated a business at
Shelbyville since 1906 as the L. E. Webb - Printer, located at 15 West Jackson
Street, has all the equipment and the skilled assistance for prompt service in
both quality and quantity printing.
Mr. Webb was city clerk of Shelbyville from 1909 to 1914. In November, 1929,
he was elected to the office of mayor and began his term of four years in
January, 1930. Mr. Webb is a member of the International Typographical Union, is
a Presbyterian and a Republican. He was honored with the office of president of
the Rotary Club in 1929. Mr; Webb married Elizabeth E. Flaitz, of Shelbyville.
Their only child, Richard, is deceased.
3, By Charles Roll, A.M., The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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