Andrew Goodrich,
Brandywine Township
George, father
of the subject of this sketch, is a native of Shelby Co., and was born Jan. 8, 1821. His boyhood days
were passed upon a farm, about three miles southwest of Shelbyville, where he remained until 1844, when he removed
to Missouri. After remaining there two years, he returned to Shelby Co. During the Mexican war, he served as
private in the Third Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under command of Col. Lane, afterward of Kansas notoriety.
He enlisted in the spring of 1846, and left Shelby Co. with his company the latter part of June, same year, to
join the "army of occupation" under Gen. Taylor, on duty in the districts of the Rio Grande. He served
his time (twelve months), and was honorably discharged. After his discharge, in 1847, he purchased the 80 acres
on which he now resides (Sec. 14, Brandywine Township), to which, by constant diligence and integrity, he has since
added 160. Aug. 23, 1849, he married Mary, daughter of William and Sophia Edwards, of Sugar Creek Township. Unto them were born an infant
(deceased), Andrew, Monroe (deceased), Eliza (an
infant, deceased). Mr. G.'s father and mother, George
and Mary Goodrich,
are both dead. Mrs. G.'s father died in October, 1877, aged eighty-nine years. Her mother is still living, and
makes her home with one of her daughters in Sugar Creek Township. Andrew Goodrich,
the subject of this sketch, was born in Brandywine Township, his birth taking place May 7, 1851. His entire life
has been passed on his father's farm, where he now resides, taking charge of the same. Feb.7, 1871, he was married
to Rachel, daughter of Jordan and Patty Bass, of Brandywine Township, where they now reside. The result of this union was the birth
of four children -- George, Charles, Frank and Josie.
Atlas of Shelby County, Indiana by J. H. Beers & Co. Publishers: Chicago, 1880, page
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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