William H. Newton
Tipton Co., Indiana - Wildcat Township
WILLIAM H. NEWTON was born in Hamilton City, Ohio, July 28, 1840 and is one of four children born to John and Philinda (Clark) Newton, natives of Ohio and of English descent. Mr. Newton came to Indiana when he was but twelve years old, and assisted his father on a farm in Shelby County. In August 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the battle at Greenbrier, Port Republic, Winchester, second battle at Bull Run, South Mountain and Gettysburg, being wounded in the last in his left hip by a gunshot. He was taken to Philadelphia, where he remained in the hospital three months; he then rejoined his regiment and participated the battle at Chancellorsville, the campaign through the Wilderness and at the siege of Petersburg, where he received a second gunshot wound in the neck. He was confined to hospitals until July, 1864 when he was honorably discharged; he returned home and engaged in farming until March, 1875, when he located on the farm where he now lives. He owns ninety-eight acres of land, well drained, well improved and with good buildings. Mr. Newton was married, August 16, 1860, to Miss Amilla Bullard, of Shelby County, Ind. She was born November 15, 1842. They have had seven children, four of whom are living -- Emma A., Mary P., George E. and Leora. Mr. Newton is a Republican in politics, is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
From “Counties of Howard and Tipton, Indiana” by Charles Blanchard - E. A. Battey& Co. 1883 - page 317
Note: William H. Newton died 22 May 1906; Amilla Newton died 27 Nov 1917. Both are buried at Brookside Cemetery, Wildcat Twp., Tipton Co. Ind.
Typed by Kathy Ridlen

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