William A.
William Macy,
Lewisville, farmer and stock-raiser, section 20, Franklin Township, is a native
of Wayne County, Id., born Aug 4, 1845, a son of John M. and
Betsey Ann (White) Macy. He was a child when his parents moved to
Henry County, and received his early education in the schools of Franklin
Township. In 1867 he entered Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., and
graduated in 1871. Since leaving school he has given his attention to
farming and stock-raising makding a specialty of thoroughbred stock. He
was married Jan. 1, 1879, to Zelinda Johnson, daughter
of Ansalem and Rebecca (Bell) Johnson, of Henry County.
To them have been born four children -- Clarence Orestes and
Florence Oretta (twins), and Everett A. and
Everst J. (twins).
Mr. Macy and his family are members of the Society of Friends.
History of Henry County, Indiana, Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co., 1884, page 627.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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