George Washington
Born and reared in close proximity
to the spot where ne now resides, in Washington township, Shelby county, Mr. Spurlin naturally has a wide-spread
acquaintance in that section of the state. He is the son of Joshua and Hester (Layman) Spurlin, who spent the greater portion of their lives
in Shelby county, where they had the high respect of the community.
The father of Mr. Spurlin was a native
of Virginia, his parents, however, moving from that state to Ohio when he was quite young.
He was married to
Hester Layman in the last named commonwealth, shortly after he had attained his majority,
and they finally settled in Shelby county. They became the parents of a large family.
The birth of George W. occurred on January 1, 1847. He attended
school when not working upon the farm, and received a fair education.
In 1866, when but twenty years old, he married
Eliza Hupp,
daughter of Samuel and
Sarah E.
Watson Hupp. She was
born in July, 1850, in Warren county, Ohio, her parents moving to Shelby county five years later, where they settled
on a farm. She took a course in the district schools of those days, and acquired what was then
considered a very
good education. Six children were the fruits of her marriage to Mr. Spurlin, as follows:
Wellington, born 11 January 1868, married
Dora Hawkins, died December 29, 1902;
Monroe, born March 18, 1870, married
Sullivan, resided at Shelbyville;
William, born November 10, 1871, married
Lethia Sullivan, is a farmer in Washington township;
Ivrey, born in 1872, married
Sarah Dill,
lives in Addison township, Shelby county;
Maud, born June 20, 1875, is the wife of
Ora Spurlin and lives in Washington township;
Marvin, born November 15, 1878, married
Nina Cochran.
When Mr. Spurlin embarked upon matrimony
he was not well off in this word's goods, but being a man of great energy and ambition, he determined to attain
success and is today known among the prosperous men of the community.
With the small funds that he possessed, he
leased a farm, and in a few years by frugality and hard work had secured sufficient money to purchase a place of
his own. He now holds the title to eighty acres of very fertile and productive land, which is located in section
11. The work of improving this land was performed by his own hand, and he has a farm that is well equipped with
modern agricultural implements of every description.
Mr. Spurlin is a public-spirited man
in the true sense of the term, and has always done
his part toward aiding the progress of Washington township. The modern
dwelling in which he and his family reside was largely constructed by
himself. He has high moral ideas and both he and his wife are members of
the Methodist Episcopal church at Flat Rock, being very regular in their
attendance and taking a deep interest in the welfare of the congregation.
Mr. Spurlin believes in prohibition, and has been a member of the party that
opposes the continuation of the liquor traffic since the year 1886.

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