Oliver Swain, of Union Township, is a native of Union County, Ind., born December 22,
1829, being the youngest in a family of four children, born to Elihu and Hannah (Stanton) Swain, who were natives of North Carolina and Virginia respectively.
They came to Union
County in a very early day, where they continued most of the time until their deaths, he dying
in 1839. His widow survived him, married again, and lived for a time in Ohio, but returned to
the old homestead and died there October, 1886, in her eighty-second year.
Oliver remained
with his parents and assisted them until he attained the age of twenty years, receiving a com-
mon school education, such as the facilities of those days afforded. Mr. Swain has always
made farming his occupation, and he has been quite successful. He now owns 193 acres of
well improved land. He and family members are of the Friends Church.
He has always been
a Republican since the organization of the party, and he usually manifests a good live interest
in the politial affairs of the Nation, State and county in which he lives, where enjoys the respect
and esteem of all who know him.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 775-776.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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