Shelby County, Indiana
Marcellus Martin Adams
The subject of this review is one whose memory links in an indissoluble chain the trend of events from the early pioneer period of history of this section of the state to the latter day epoch, when peace, prosperity and progress crown the end of one and the beginning of another century. This personal and ancestral identification with the formative period of the commonwealth of Indiana would alone authorize a review of his life in this connection, but, superadded to this, there are circumstances which render such indulgence practically imperative if this publication is to be consistent with itself and fulfill the purpose for which intended. Ever since his birth, sixty-seven years ago, Dr. Adams has retained his residence in Hancock county, is known throughout the length and breadth of the same, not only as one of its most eminent professional men, but as an enterprising citizen, conspicuously identified with the promotion and furtherance of all measures which have concerned the progress and material prosperity of this highly favored section. He has carried on a work which, though of personal concern, has been of great value to the community and from the beginning of his career his life has been one of signal usefulness and exalted honor. To him then should be rendered a due tribute of respect in this volume, whose purpose is to accord consideration to the men who have been and are representative in the affairs of the city of Greenfield and the county of
A native of Indiana, Dr. Adams is an honorable representative of one of the old pioneer families of the county of Hancock which figured conspicuously in the affairs of this part of the state prior to the year 1830. His grandfather, Moses Adams, a native of North Carolina, married Mrs. Sarah Munson and settled in Scott county, Kentucky, where he died. His widow came to Hancock county in 1832
and died May 29 of the year following. Among his children was Isaac
Adams, the Doctor’s father, whose birth occurred in Scott county, Kentucky on the 13th of August, 1799. He came to Indiana as early as 1826, settling in Hancock county on the 26th of October of that year, and entered a tract of land, though he lived on rented land and was compelled to give up the tract he had entered by reason of inability through sickness to meet the last payment when due. It was while thus disabled, that another man, learning of the circumstances, went to the land office, paid what was still due and by a base procedure such as was considered highly dishonorable among the pioneers, obtained a deed to the land and compelled Mr. Adams and family to remove to other parts.
Isaac Adams was a cooper by trade, to which he added that of making shoes for
the early pioneers of his neighborhood. He was also skilled in woodcraft and as
an expert huntsman, kept his table well supplied with the choicest of game for a
number of years after settling in the woods. He became a man of considerable
local prominence and influence, assisted to project and construct roads through
the country, built bridges and mills, and although dying poor in this world’s
goods, left to his descendants an unspotted reputation which they dearly prize.
He married, in Scott county, Kentucky, Nancy Polk, who was born there on the 9th day
of August, 1796, the daughter of Ephraim and Rhoda Polk, natives of Delaware.
Isaac and Nancy Adams reared eleven children, of whom the subject of this
sketch was the last born. The oldest was James, whose birth occurred January 15,
1820. He grew to manhood in Indiana, became a physician and practiced his
profession for many years in the county of Shelby, dying there on the 20th day
of September, 1894. Amanda, the second, was born March 17, 1821, married
White and made her home in Wabash, this state; she died some years ago while on
a visit to a relative in Rush county; Edward P., born August 21, 1822, was a
farmer of Rush county, where he passed the greater part of his life, dying
November 18, 1899; Mary , who was born November 26, 1823, became the wife of
J. M. Ely in June, 1847, and departed this life in the county of Hancock on the
26th of October,
1897; Hester, whose birth occurred January 1, 1825, married
Allen McMichael and
died in Polk county, Iowa, in the year 1892; Malinda Ann was born April 26,
1826, and passed into the other life on March 26 of the year following; David,
born May 26, 1829, died on the 21st day
of January, 1845; Rhoda A., who became the wife of John H. Hufford, was born
February 19, 1831, and died in Hancock county January 5, 1845; Sarah J. was born
April 10, 1832, and married Thomas A. Gant, who death occurred October 21, 1882,
though she is still living at Greenfield; one child died in infancy. Isaac Adams
died October 7, 1851, his wife preceded him, death occurring March 11, 1850.
The Doctor’s maternal grandfather,
Ephraim Polk, married in 1792, Rhoda Morris, who was born October 27, 1773, and whose death occurred October 23,
1839. Mr. Polk died March 24, 1814, a short time after joining the army under
Gen. Andrew Jackson for the defense of New Orleans. Mrs. Polk was the daughter
of Daniel Morris, a relative of Robert Morris, one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence and moved with her husband to Kentucky in 1793.
Dr. Marcellus Martin Adams, the direct subject of the sketch, was born in
Hancock County, Indiana, on the 12th day
of November, 1834. He first saw the light of day in a small log cabin of the
most primitive pattern and passed his youthful years upon his father’s
different places in Rush, Shelby and Hancock counties. It is needless to say
that he earnestly became familiar with the manifold details which entered into
the reclamation and cultivation of a pioneer farm, and this formative period of
his life had a decided influence upon his entire subsequent career, since he
then learned the value of consecutive endeavor and to appreciate the sturdy
independence which is invariably begotten under such circumstances and
environments. His initial scholastic discipline was received, when quite young,
in the old-time log school house under the instruction of a pedagogue whose
tenure appeared to have depended more upon his physical strength than upon his
mental ability to impart knowledge. The Doctor retains many vivid recollections
of this "master, " who, in his general make-up, much resembled the
"Mr. Squeers" as described by Dickens, save that the former had two
eyes and stammered in his speech. The Doctor, being the youngest and smallest
pupil in school, was exempt from much of the severe punishment which the older
boys almost daily received and he recalls the fact that he was afraid of growing
larger for fear of the punishment which he was led to believe constituted such
an important part of every urchin’s education. He continued his efforts under
such discouraging conditions until he had acquired a fair knowledge of the
branches which were then studied and later, in the winter of 1854-55, attended a
seminary at Rushville, where he studied some of the higher branches.
In the winter of 1855-56 the Doctor taught school at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,
whither he went the preceding summer, and received for his services liberal
wages for that time. He saved his money with the strictest economy, intending to
buy land. The better to carry out this purpose, he entrusted his savings to a
man whose judgment in the matter of lands he thought good and in whose honesty
and integrity he placed the utmost confidence. Like many other credulous person,
he soon became cognizant of the fact that experience is an exceedingly dear
school, for his trusted friend appropriated the money to his own use and then
decamped, leaving young Adams a great deal wiser, if much poorer.
Years before, while attending school and boarding with his brother-in-law,
Dr. Ely, young Adams would smuggle the latter’s medical books and pore over
them hour by hour when on one was watching him, and the still small hours of the
morning found him many a time deeply immersed in the pages of some abstruse
author. When discovered he suffered the consequence of this surreptitious
procedure, but, animated by a determination to become a doctor, he continued his
reading as opportunity would admit until he obtained a reliable knowledge of
many of the great underlying principles of the medical profession.
Subsequently he was permitted to enter Dr. Ely’s office as a student, and
for two years he prosecuted his studies with great assiduity, leaving nothing
within his power undone to extend the area of his knowledge, at the same time
gaining much practical experience by accompanying the Doctor in the latter’s
rounds among patients. The time thus spent was fruitful and July 1, 1858, he was
deemed sufficiently advanced in professional lore to begin the practice, which
he did by opening an office in Henry county. After practicing there for one year
with gratifying results Dr. Adams located at Freeport, Shelby county, where he
remained until the breaking out of the great rebellion, meantime acting as
postmaster of the town.
In 1862 he tendered his services to the government, enlisting in August in
Company I, Third Indiana Cavalry. On reaching Indianapolis he was given charge
of the barrack in camp containing the recruits, and so methodically and
creditably did he discharge the duties thus imposed upon him, including the
medical care of the sick, that his name was brought to the favorable notice of
the superior officers. In September, 1863, he was made assistant surgeon of the
One Hundred and Sixteenth Indiana Regiment and during the six months following
accompanied his command through east Tennessee, his attention to duty eliciting
the warmest praise from his superiors. The regiment being ordered home, he was
left in charge of the sick of the brigade and was soon ordered to bring home as
many as were able to travel. He started with thirty-four men and one hundred and
thirty-nine horses and four mules, but without bridles or saddles. It was one
hundred and fourteen miles to Camp Nelson, Kentucky, requiring a week’s
travel. The roads were almost impassible and the horses being worn out, the road
was lined with dead or disabled horses and mules. It was estimated that there
were carcasses enough to have bridged the road to Knoxville. In 1864 Mr. Adams
was sent to Cumberland Hospital, Nashville, by the Indiana Sanitary Commission
and for a period of two months had charge of two wards in that institution,
during which time he treated hundreds of critical cases, besides performing many
skillful and delicate surgical operations.
On the 1st day of
February, 1865, Dr. Adams opened an office in Greenfield and here he has since
prospered professionally and financially, growing into the love and confidence
of the people until his name is now a familiar one to every man, woman and child
within Hancock county. In point of continuous service he is the oldest
practitioner in the county and as far as success is concerned it may be modestly
stated that no physician in this part of the state has achieved greater
distinction. The Doctor combines with a thorough knowledge of his profession the
qualities of the ideal family physician and thirty-five years have made him
acquainted with nearly every household in the country where his presence is ever
hailed as the precursor of life and hope. While old in the practice, he is
mentally as strong and vigorous as when in his physical prime, and his success
abundantly proves that he has kept pace with this most exacting age in all
matters of modern medical research.
If the Doctor has any one characteristic more striking than another, it is
the exceedingly methodical way in which he prosecutes his profession and attends
to his private affairs. Method is stamped upon everything he does and to this
alone may be attributed much of his success. Not only is he deeply read in the
standard works of his profession, but his acquaintance with the best literature
of all countries and all times is both general and profound. He has accumulated
a large and valuable library, including many rare and curious volumes, and there
he spends his leisure time in close personal converse with the ablest minds of
all ages. Noted as a bibliographer, he has also devoted much attention to
various curios, having a fine cabinet of valuable relics from all parts of the
world, representative of both ancient and modern times. Among these are old
manuscripts; implements of warfare, long since abolished, and other things, too
numerous to mention. He is one of the most extensive collectors in the country
and his cabinets, which cannot be adequately valued in dollars and cents,
represent many years of painstaking and research.
Dr. Adams has been twice married, the first time on the 20th day
of October, 1858, to Miss Miranda V. Bailey, who bore him three daughters:
Clara, born October 19, 1859, died December 2, 1863, and Fannie, born January
28, 1862, married M. P. Stutesman and had a family of five children; she died
March 13, 1895. The youngest child is Nettie, whose birth occurred December 1,
1866. A grievious loss was that which came to the Doctor on the 11th day
of July, 1873, when his devoted and cherished wife was summoned to her eternal
rest. She was a woman of gentle refinement and beautiful character and had lived
so as to win the esteem and love of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
March 12, 1874, was solemnized the ceremony which united the Doctor and
Nancy Hinchman in the holy bonds of wedlock, a marriage blessed with three
children: Olive, Mary and Ellen.
Dr. Adams is not connected with any church or fraternal organization,
believing religion to be largely a matter of conscience with which the world has
little to do, and dispensing his benefactions in the quiet and unobtrusive
manner characteristic of the true philanthropist. All societies or movements
tending in their practical working and influence to benefit humanity and
subserve the public good have his friendship and support, but he has no use for
ostentatious display, while shams of all kinds are his especial abominations.
Aside from serving as member of the city council, he has never held nor aspired
to public position, preferring to devote all of his time and attention to his
profession, which has always been extensive and not infrequently very exacting,
and while a close student of political, economic and kindred questions, is not
noted as an active party worker.
Dr. Adams is a gentleman of such well defined and remarkable traits of
character that his many years of practice and activity in Greenfield and
throughout Hancock county have left the impress of his ability and strong
personality wherever he is known. Endowed by nature with a sturdy physique a
clear and alert intellect, nearly always in good health, with an abundance of spirit, it is not strange that time and labor have had so little effect upon his vital forces. Honorable and upright in all his dealings and meeting his every obligation with almost religious exactness, his name, wherever known, passes current as a synonym for all that is correct and proper, and in him are combined to a remarkable degree all the elements essential to citizenship. While Hancock county has produced many men noted in all spheres of endeavor, and while its annals teem with the records of unselfish lives and noble deeds, the name of Dr. Marcellus M. Adams will always occupy a high place among her representative citizens, not alone by reason of his long and eminently useful career as a minister of comfort and healing to suffering humanity, but also on account of his broad sympathies, sterling honor and abiding public spirit.
Biographical Memoirs of Hancock County, B. F. Bowen, Publisher, Logansport, Indiana, 1902. Pages 273-278.
Contributed by Sylvia (Rose) Duda

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