William H. Campbell
(son of Alfred, son of James of Shelby County)
William H. Campbell, Circuit Clerk of Worth County, is a native of Shelby
County, Indiana, and was born October 25, 1842. He is the second son of
Alfred and Mariah Campbell who were old settlers of Gentry County, having
moved with the subject of this sketch to that county in 1844. William was
there reared to manhood and received his education, spending his early years
in the occupation of farming. In 1868, he accepted a position as clerk in
the store of Campbell & Colvin at Ellenorah, Missouri, and after remaining
there two years, he removed to Denver, this county, where he was occupied in
a like capacity til 1874. At this time he was called upon by the citizens of
Worth County to occupy his present responsible position, and which he fills
to the satisfaction of all. Mr. C. is largely interested in the welfare of
the county, and is a landholder to the extent of 320 acres, besides owning
property in Grant City. He was married January 8, 1879, to Miss J. DeWitt,
who was also born in Indiana. They have one child, William.
History of Gentry and Worth Counties, Missouri, 1882, p. 725 Fletchall
Submitted by Anne Ruby
Well may Mr. Campbell be designated as one of the pioneer citizens of
Grant City, Worth County, where he has maintained his residence for
thirty-five years and where he has been an influential figure in connection
with civic and industrial affairs, the while his sterling character and
genial personality have retained to him inviolable place in the confidence
and good will of the community. His interests have been many and varied and
he has done much to foster the development and upbuilding of Worth County
and its judicial center, Grant City, the name which he bears having been
worthily linked with the annals of Missouri history for nearly seventy
years, and the lineage being traced back to the staunchest of Scottish
William Henry Campbell was born on a farm in Bartholomew County, Indiana, on
the 25th of October, 1842, and was a child of four years at the time of the
family emigration from the old Hoosier State to Missouri. He is a son of
Alfred and Maria (Blades) Campbell, both natives of North Carolina and both
of Scotch ancestry. Alfred Campbell was born in North Carolina about the
year 1819, his father having been a prosperous planter in that state.
Alfred Campbell became a farmer in Bartholomew County, Indiana where he
continued to reside until 1846, when he came with his family to Missouri,
the trip having been made by boat down the Ohio and up the Mississippi and
Missouri rivers and the family having landed at Savannah, Andrew County,
Missouri. Alfred Campbell obtained a tract of government land in the
northeastern part of Gentry County, in the vicinity of Albany, the county
seat, and there he reclaimed and developed a valuable landed estate that is
still in the possession of his descendants. In 1849 he joined the intrepid
band of Argonauts who were making their way across the plains to the newly
discovered gold fields of California, and he died while en route, at Fort
Laramie, Wyoming, where his remains were laid to rest, far from his home and
kindred. His widow long survived him and passed the closing period of her
life in Gentry County, Missouri, where she was summoned to eternal rest in
March 1914, at the extremely venerable age of ninety-three years. She was a
woman of strong and noble character and retained her mental faculties
practically unimpaired until her death, so that great interest attached to
her gracious reminiscences of days long past. She was a devout member of
the Baptist Church, of which her husband likewise was a zealous adherent,
and the latter was a Whig in his political proclivities. Of the children
the eldest was Charlotte, who became the wife of Hiram Colvin and who was a
resident of Worth County at the time of her death; William Henry, of this
review, was the next in order of birth; Albert B. still resides in Gentry
County; and Virginia is the wife of Washington Wiley, of Harrison County,
this state.
William H. Campbell was reared to adult age on the old homestead farm in
Gentry County and in connection with its work he learned the valuable
lessons of practical and productive industry. That he made good use of the
advantages afforded him in the common schools of the locality and period is
vouchsafed by the fact that as a young man he was for several years a
teacher in the schools of his home county, devoting his attention to the
pedagogic profession during the winter terms and being successful in his
work, his summer seasons being given to active application along
agricultural lines.
His marriage was solemnized in the year 1878, and thereafter he continued to
be numbered amonth the prosperous farmers of Gentry County until his removal
to Worth County, nearly two score of years ago. In January 1875, as
candidate on the democratic ticket, Mr. Campbell was elected circuit clerk
and recorder of Worth County, and of this dual office he continued the
efficient and valued incumbent for eight consecutive years. Upon his
retirement from office Mr. Campbell established his residence in Worth
County. He purchased a tract of land on the which was situated the townsite
of Grant City. He improved his property and it may well be understood that
with the lapse of years the tract has become very valuable. In the earlier
period of his residence of this fine farm Mr. Campbell gave much attention
to the raising of excellent grades of live stock, but at the present time
the land is largely given over to the raising of hay, to grazing purposes
and to diversified agriculture. To the farm Mr. Campbell continues to give
a general supervision, and through its medium he has become one of the
substantial capitalists of Worth County.
Since his retirement from the official position that he held in Worth
County, as previously noted, Mr. Campbell has shown no predilection for
official preferment, but he has continued unswerving in his allegiance to
the democratic party. At the time of the outbreak of the Civil war,
environment and conditions caused Mr. Campbell to enlist his sympathies with
the cause of the Confederate States, but as the great internecine conflict
drew near to its close he became a member of the local militia maintained
under the control of the Federal Government, his company of home guards
having been in camp only a short period when the long and weary struggle
came to a close. The civil loyalty of Mr. Campbell has been shown in diverse
ways, and he has shown special interest in all that touches the social and
material welfare and progress of Grant City, where he served for some time
as a member of the city council. He has been a stockholder and
vice-president of the First National Bank of Grant City for fully a quarter
of a century, and he has other capitalistic interests. One of the handsome
residences of Grant City is that built and occupied by Mr. Campbell and his
family, and the home is a center of generous hospitality. On his residence
premises Mr. Campbell has developed one of the largest apiaries in Worth
County, and though he has not made a scientific study of bee culture he
received excellent returns from his apiary. For the past fifteen years Mr.
Campbell has been local representative of the government weather bureau, and
he has taken much interest in making careful observations and entering
specific reports concerning temperature and other climatic conditions,
variations in winds and rainfall, etc. his reports being sent each month to
the station of the weather bureau located at Columbia, the seat of the
University of Missouri. To the Department of Agriculture, in the City of
Washington, he reports at the end of each month the condition of growing
crops in Worth County, these reports being made in triplicate and one of the
copies being retained on file by him. Mr. Campbell is affiliated with the
Masonic fraternity, in which he has received the degree of Master Mason, and
both he and his wife are most earnest and active members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, in the faith of which they carefully reared they children.
In the year 1878 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Campbell to Miss Nancy
J. DeWitt, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza (Root) DeWitt, who came from
Montgomery County, Indiana, to Missouri in an early day, here passing the
residue of their lives. Concerning others of the children of Mr. and Mrs.
DeWitt the following brief record may be given with consistency: Alvin is a
resident of the State of Montana; Rev. Marston P. is a clergyman of the
Methodist Church and resides in Nodaway County, Missouri; Jennie is the wife
of Albert H. House, of Allendale, Worth County; and Harley is the wife of
Eugene Donelson, of Hatfield, Harrison County. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have
two children -- William C., who resides at Grant City and is one of the
representative farmers of Worth County, and Grace, who was graduated in the
Missouri Wesleyan College, at Cameron, and is now a successful and popular
teacher in the high school at Blockton, Taylor County, Iowa.
History of Northwest Missouri, three vol. Set, Williams Walter, editor, published by Lewis Publishing CO, Chicago-New York, in 1915; pp 983-985.
Submitted by Anne Ruby
Notes from Anne: Alfred Campbell was born Nov. 11, 1818 probably in Indiana. In the
1920 Census, Wm H. says father b. in IN.
A James Campbell is listed in the 1817 tax list of Franklin Co.
James Campbell, Alfred's father, is in the 1820 census of Blooming
Grove Twp. Franklin Co. Indiana p. 217, showing
1 male 0-10, 2 males 26-45, 1 female 0-10, 1 female 10-16, 1
female 26-45, 1 female 45 & up.

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