Thomas M.
Thomas M. Jeffras, a farmer of Addison Township, is a
native of Butler County, Ohio, where he was born, July 3, 1835,
the eldest in a family of four children, born to Francis A. and Sarah
(Thompson) Jeffras, who were natives of Maryland and Ireland,
respectively, this marriage occurring in Ohio. When the subject
of our sketch was yet quite young, the father died, leaving the
mother and four small children. In 1856, his mother with himself
and two sisters, came to Shelbyville; Nathaniel, the other child,
remaining in Cincinnati, where he still lives, engaged at present in the
manufacture of cloaks. Mrs. Jeffras continued a resident of Shelbyville, until 1867, when she removed to a farm one mile south of the
city, living there until her death, which occurred September 13,
1883, at age of sixty-seven years. She died as she had always
lived, a devout Christian, and member of Methodist Episcopal Church. Thomas M. received a common school education.
His home was
always with his mother, he caring for her in her declining years. He has always made farming his occupation, commencing when
quite young, and by dint of his industry and economy he is now
the proprietor of a fine, well improved farm of 234 acres. Mr.
Jeffras is a man of pronounced temperance views, and as such endorses the principles, and votes with the Prohibition party.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Addison [Township]
Sketches", page 594, Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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