William Thompson
William J. Thompson, an old resident of Shelby County, is a
native of Greensburg, Decatur Co., Ind., where he was born, October 23d, 1828, being the third in a family of nine children, born to
Thomas and Theresa (Little) Thompson, who were natives of
Washington, D. C, and the State of Maryland, respectively, emigrating from the latter State with their parents to Lexington, Ky.,
where their marriage occurred. A few years subsequent they removed to Decatur County, remaining there two years; removing
thence to Cincinnati and staying there for a period of two years,
when in August, 1832, he came to Shelby County and located in
Shelbyville, where he remained until his death, which occurred in
1874. [He was] honored with an election to the office of Constable. He was a gallant soldier in the Mexican War, serving one year.
His wife survived him a number of years and died January l0th, 1884. Our immediate subject grew to manhood in the city of
Shelbyville, receiving a limited education in consequence of his help
being needed in his father's wagon shop. He commenced to learn
wagon making at the early age of eleven years, and continued in
that business until 1871, when he removed to the farm on which he
now lives. He has since made farming his occupation and he has
been very successful. He now owns sixty-four acres of improved
land, all the accumulation of his own industry and economy. June
26th, 1850, his marriage with Rebecca Willes was solemnized, and
to their union four children were born, these two now living: William
T., who married Margaret J. Hobbs, and Arilla F.
July 3d,
1886, Mr. Thompson suffered the bereavement of losing his beloved
wife. December 23, 1886, his and Mary Furgeson's nuptials were
celebrated. In politics, Mr. Thompson has always been a Democrat. He is of a quiet, unassuming disposition, industrious, honest,
thorough going citizen, in all, a pleasant, courteous gentleman.
History of Shelby County, Indiana , "Addison [Township]
Sketches." Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 602.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming


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