Solomon Macy
Solomon Macy,
is a native of Guilford County, N. C., born Nov. 3, 1805, a son of Thaddeus
and Catherine (White) Macy, natives of the same county, of Welsh
descent. He lived on a farm till sixteen years of age when he went to
learn the saddler's trade. He served as an apprentice two years, but on
account of failing health returned to the farm and remained a year. He
then again began working at his trade and worked on the farm and in the shop two
years. In 1826 he came to Indiana and lived in Wayne County a year; then
went to Washington County and remained a years, and in 1829 came to Henry County
and opened a harness shop in Greensboro with Job Dix, which
they carried on successfully three years. He then taught school for a time
and subsequently entered 148 acres of unimproved land from the Government where
he has resided since 1833. He was married Dec 2, 1830, to Priscilla,
daughter of John and Elizabeth Ham. They have had a
family of six children -- Edwin, Martha A., Elwood, Samuel
H., Caroline and Mary J.; the latter is
deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Macy are members of the Society of Friends and are
among the most influential and respected citizens of the county.
History of Henry County, Indiana, Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co., 1884, page 820-821.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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