Shelby County, Indiana
Thomas N. Devening
This enterprising and public-spirited citizen of Madison township, Tipton county, was born in Shelby county, this state, November 12, 1858, brought up on a farm and educated in the common schools. His parents, Philip and Permelia (Robertson) Devening, were married at Shelbyville and were residents there. Philip Devening was born
in France, a son of Daniel Devening, who emigrated to this country and
settled in Ohio when his son was two years old, and afterward came to
Shelby county, Indiana, where he followed his trade of baker. He finally
died, however, in Cincinnati. Philip Devening grew up to manhood in
Shelby county, learned the baker's trade of his father and also, when a lad,
drove on the canal and worked on a railroad. Finally he settled upon a
farm in Shelby county, where he yet li\es; he also runs a tile factory. His
children are: Thomas N. (our subject) , Anna, John, Mary, Laura and Nancy. The parents are members of the Baptist church.
Thomas N. Devening after reaching manhood went to Kansas, where he
followed farming two years. Returning to Shelby county he assisted his
father on his farm until 1883, when he married and settled upon a farm of
his own; but the same year he came to Tipton county and purchased a farm,
where he has improved the buildings and added to the cultivated area by additional clearing. In 1887 he exchanged this place for his present tile and brick factory at Hobbs, which he has since conducted with success. He has
greatly improved the original structure and added to its productive capacity,
now having a thirty-five-horse-power engine, etc. He has a good trade
here, being prepared to fill any kind of orders in his line. He also has
charge of the gas works of his village, and is prepared to do gas-fitting. He
is a natural mechanic.
In politics he is independent, not binding himself to the ticket of any
particular party. Is an active member of the Holiness Christian church, in
which he was licensed one year as a preacher. He gave the ground and rendered other assistance in building a house of worship for his church at this place, which now has a membership of about twenty-five members. In matrimony he was united with Miss Flora Gunning, of Shelby county, a daughter of David and Martha F. (McCombs) Gunning, her father a native
of Shelby county and a farmer and cooper by trade, who, after his marriage in Shelby county, came to Tipton county, and died here in 1886. Mrs. Gunning is a member of the New-Light Christian church. Her children
are Belle, Cordelia, Leander, Thomas, Flora (wife of Mr. Devening) and Elbert; and Mr. and Mrs. Devening's only child is Horace P., born April 2, 1895. They worship at the Holiness Christian church.
Biographical and genealogical history of Cass, Miami, Howard and Tipton counties, Indiana, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1898, page 520-21.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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