Thomas Wright
THOMAS WRIGHT, the present Trustee of Center Township,
was born in Fayette County, January 12, 1848. His father, Rev. Harvey Wright, was born in Ohio, and is now a time-honored Baptist minister and prominent citizen of Center Township. His mother, whose maiden name was Delilah Stephen, is a native of this State, having been born in Fayette County. His boyhood was
spent in his native county upon a farm. In February, 1865, he accompanied his parents to their present home, where he remained with them upon the farm until the time of his marriage, which occurred January 26, 1868. The lady that became his wife was Miss Mary E. Vandall, who was born in Shelby County, this State, April 22, 1849. Ever since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wright
have resided in Center Township, except about eight months of
the year 1881, during which they resided in Jackson Township. They have occupied their present home since October, 1881. They are the parents of two daughters: Effie H. and Cora F., the former of whom is at present a teacher in the public schools of Rush
County. Mr. and Mrs. Wright are both members of the Christian
Church. In politics, Mr. Wright is a Democrat. He was elected
Trustee of his township in the spring of 1884, and was re-elected in
the spring of 1886, with an increased majority, which is evidence
of his standing as a citizen and of the good management of his office. He is one of his township's most industrious farmers, and he and wife are among its best citizens.
History of Rush County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 396.
Submitted by Jill Knitl

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