Hiram Drake
Hiram J. Drake, Ex-County Commissioner, was born in
Washington Township, Shelby County, Indiana, September 13, 1835. He was the son of
Ephriam and Sarah (Fulks) Drake, and is of
English descent. The Drake family came to Shelby County in the
spring of 1831, and settled in Washington Township. The first
dwelling which sheltered this pioneer family was a rail-pen. The
father died December 11, 1867, and the mother followed three
years later November 16, 1870. Mr. Drake is the sixth member of
a family of eleven children, seven of whom are now living. The
boyhood of this gentleman was spent in work upon the farm. He
did not have very many chances to obtain an education, but at-
tended the few subscription schools which were then taught. After
he attained his majority, he began doing for himself. In 1856, he
commenced the occupation of a farmer upon his own responsibility,
and has continued in that line until now. Politically, Mr. Drake is
a Democrat. In 1880, he was elected Commissioner for the second
district, which position he filled for two years. The family have
quite recently moved to Shelbyville, and now reside in Love, Major
and Morrison's Addition to the city. Mr. Drake still owns a farm
in Hendricks Township. April 2, 1857, Miss Mary Ellen Farnsworth
became the wife of our subject, and three children had been
born to this union, Amanda E., Sarah M., and Phoebe M.
Drake is one of the old settlers of this county and is well known in
this community.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Shelbyville Sketches," page 479-80.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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