Cecilia Bogeman
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday October 13, 1947
Page 2 column 2
Back in the days when Miss Cecilia
Bogeman began her career in millinery, women and girls wanted to
learn the trade first were required to serve at least two seasons as
apprentices. They were paid nothing for their efforts but did
receive two new hats a year - one in the Spring and one in the Fall
when the apprentice season ended.
But Miss Bogeman, who muses, “Wonder
how many girls would do that now days?” was somewhat luckier than
most. She was paid 50 cents a week when, at the age of 14 years, she
began learning the trade at the Flora Carson store which was
located on the Public Square where the Firestone establishment now
stands and at the Schaffer store which was on the site of the present
Bryant-Roth store.
Hats were hand made in those days and
each millinery shop had its work room with a “maker,” as
designers were termed, trimmer and the apprentices who learned to
mould hats on frames, drape materials and arrange the much pinned and
flowered chapeaux of other years. Miss Bogeman or “Celia” as she
is known to hundreds of Shelbyville and Shelby county women, recalls
that although styles have changed dozens of times through the years,
materials are much the same-straw, ribbon and flowers for Spring and
Summer and felt, velvet, velour and beaver felt for Fall and Winter. Incidentally, velour and beaver are imported and just now making
their appearance after being missing from the scene during the war
After working at the two local stores,
she served two seasons in Union City and another two in Detroit. After this she “came home” to establish her own shop and for a
year was located in a room on East Broadway which formerly had been
occupied by the late Dr. Sammons. She moved to her present
location in 1912 where many of her customers have returned year after
Hats in 1912 averaged around $3.50 in
price with a really “good” one costing about $7.00. Of course
there were more expensive numbers since plumes were much in vogue and
customers paid as much as $20 for a feathery furbelow which no doubt
had graced an ostrich. It wasn’t until World War I that women
began demanding less expensive hats (Wonder what those women would
think of today’s inflated prices!) in order to have more of them,
and mass production was begun. There wasn’t much individuality to
the models however and milliners did a healthy business in trimming. Now, although there are numerous styles from which to choose, the
trend again seems to lean toward having hats made to order and Miss
Bogeman, and her two helpers, Miss Hazel Lee and Mrs.
Carried Reinbold, are busy a great part of the time making or
retrimming hats.
Pictures in trade magazines “Celia”
has saved show some startling numbers which we women have worn from
time to time but closer scrutiny reveals that, fundamentally, the
hats aren’t so much different but that the manner in which they’re
worn is! For example, some of the head coverings worn in 1923,
although deeper in crown, might be donned today, only far back on the
head instead of hugging the eyebrows almost to the point of covering
the nose. Miss Bogeman laughs that women probably had to wear them
far down then in order to keep them on-since hair bobbing was just
getting into full swing.
One line that has passed from the
scene in millinery shops is that of mourning veils. In her shop
Celia used to carry a full stock of those to drape on the hats of
bereaved women but the custom has been almost dropped with the years.
Many women year after year say, when
the urge to buy a hat strikes them, “Guess I’ll go down and see
what Celia has!” That’s probably because “Celia” believes in
the “right hat for the right woman” and selling models which are
individually becoming. The problem of selling duplications in a town
the size of Shelbyville isn’t as great as you’d expect and she
says, although not long ago she did utter to a customer, “Oh, you
shouldn’t buy THAT hat, I sold one like it to a friend of yours who
sits near you in church!” The people with whom she gets a little
irked are the ones who rush in and ask her to make or retrim a hat
within a few hours. “They don’t realize the time and work it
takes to make a hat frame, fit it and do the trimming,” she says.
Miss Bogeman was born in this county
and went to the McFall school before her parents, the late John
and Anna Bogeman, moved to Shelbyville in 1896. She then
attended the St. Joseph school. Before her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, moved from the family home at 324 East
Washington Street, she often used to stay downtown for lunch and
dinner and work at the shop at nights. (“You don’t consider it
work if you like your job,” she says). But now that full
responsibility of the household is hers she finds her time pretty
much occupied-and then too, there is a little pet dog that demands to
be fed. So now she goes home for lunch and dinner.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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