Bert Bright
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday September 9, 1947
Page 4 column 1
By Avonelle Lewis
Once in a while he takes a bus man’s
holiday and goes to see a motion picture on his day off but Bert
Bright, projectionist at the Strand Theater since it
opened almost 32 years ago, says it has to be a “super” one.
Such as “Gone With The Wind”—which he plans to see again when
it returns here. Otherwise he views the pictures only with the eyes
of a technician from a little square peep hole in the projection room
high above the balcony.
He was sitting in an easy chair when I
walked in and no sooner had I started asking questions until a harsh
buzzer clamored and he began doing things to the big complicated
looking machine. He explained it all and I tried hard to act
intelligent but most of it was over my head! The buzzer, a gadget
which he arranged, warned him, he said, that the film on one machine
was about finished and it was time to turn the other one on so the
picture would be continuous. The buzzer sound and cues on the
film—tiny flickering circles which show up on the upper corner of
the picture are almost simultaneous so there’s no chance of a
Mr. Bright learned the movie
projection business back when the “Cozy” was located where
the Worland Pharmacy now stands. But he was interested in the
“flickers” long before that. In fact, he has the projector with
which the very first motion pictures were shown here—at the
“Dream,” a nickelo type theater which was owned by the
late Robert Miley, Sr. and stood about where the Piatt
Furniture store now stands on South Harrison street. The
projector, a small contraption operated with a hand crank, was given
him by Mr. Miley’s son, Ralph. Remembering best the
Westerns and killer-diller serials of way back when. I asked about
the program in comparison with those today. He says there are more
western films shown now than in the early days and that the programs
haven’t changed too much. They didn’t have cartoons then but did
have full length features, news reels and, of course, the Mack
Sennett and other comedies. The features then were around 4,000
feet in length and were shown at the rate of 60 feet per minute. Now
features range from 6,000 to 15,500 feet in length and 90 feet per
minute unwinds off the spool. There are 24 changes per second, and
if you’re interested in figures, that means 1,440 pictures on the
film are shown per minute.
The Strand building was built by the
Dorsey Realty Company—the lot on which the rear of the
building now stands once housed a livery barn—and was leased to the
late W.C. Meloy for erection of a theater. Mr. Bright went to
work as projectionist on March 1916. The job wasn’t too
complicated until the advent of talkies but then, with thousands of
others the country over he had to learn all over again. When the
“Jazz Singer” and the other first talking pictures were made, the
sound effects were recorded to be synchronized with the film. But
simplified with Movie-tone and other such equipment the projectors
are almost “fool proof” now he says. Although occasionally some
part of the sound mechanism does “get out of kilter.” Such as
the time in a comedy screen conversation between a man and woman, the
man’s voice echoed out over the theater as a high soprano and the
woman boomed in with a deep bass. When that particular incident
occurred he let the film run a few seconds because the audience was
enjoying the mix-up more than the picture itself.
Through reading technical magazines on
the subject Mr. Bright keeps abreast of advancements in the motion
picture industry and he prophesies that before long the current black
and white films will be as obsolete as the silent pictures. More and
more the picture companies are turning to color film. He explained
the steps involved in this too and it sounded very advisable from
other angles than just the added beauty and authenticity of the
pictures but………..
Mr. Bright has a working schedule of
“two long days and one short.” He works for two consecutive days
at the Strand from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. and from 7:00 to 11:00. The
third day he relieves the operator at the Alhambra from 4:00
to 5:30 p.m. and then treks back down to the Strand to relieve that
operator until 7:00 o’clock. Outside of his interest in motion
pictures, from the projection point of view, his main hobby is
hunting and this he does whenever the opportunity presents itself.
He’s a native Shelbyvillian, as is his wife, who was Maude
Golding before their marriage. They have one daughter, Mrs.
Helen Baven, who resides in Columbus.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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