Jacob Wertz
JACOB WERTZ (deceased,) was born in Ohio, where he was raised. He was married there to Elizabeth Warble, daughter of Mathias and Elizabeth Stoap. Mrs. Wertz was born in Virginia, November 11, 1817. She was quite young when her parents removed to Ohio. Jacob Wertz and family moved to Shelby County in 1847, and located on the farm where Mrs. Wertz now resides. Jacob Wertz was suddenly called away September 16, 1876. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. He left a widow and three children: Mathias, John and Daniel, of whom Daniel, born January 31, 1852, is deceased, dying August 9, 1884. Mrs. Wertz continues to reside on the old home farm. She is a devout member of the Lutheran Church, with which she has been united over fifty years. Jacob Wertz left home for Edinburg, to meet Rev. Mr. Westner, of the Lutheran Church; on his return home, while passing the house of an old friend of his, William Cutsinger, it was on fire, and during the excitement dropped dead. This was on September 16, 1876.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, pg 681, "Jackson [Co] Sketches".
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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