R. Snodgrass
Velasco Snodgrass
was born in Moral township, Shelby county, February 7, 1857, the son
of Benjamin and Sarah (Leonard) Snodgrass.
Benjamin Snodgrass
was born in Sugar Creek township, Hancock county, one-half mile wouth of New
Palestine, April 15, 1831, and died at the home of his son, Velasco R., in
April, 1878, at the age of forty-seven years. He was the son of Benjamin,
Sr., and Lorena (Evans) Snodgrass. Benjamin Snodgrass, Sr.,
came from Kentucky to Indiana about 1830 and took over a part of the
old Mernon [Murnan?] farm, south of New Palestine,
which had been entered as a government tract. This place contained one
hundred and twenty acres of virgin timber and Benjamin Snodgrass, Sr., made
his home in what was then a wilderness. His efforts were cut short by
his early death, which occurred late in 1830 or early in 1831. His
widow, five children, four boys and one girl, continued to live on the old
homestead until the death of Mrs. Snodgrass. It was on this old
homestead the Benjamin Snodgrass, Jr., the father of the subject of this
sketch, was born and grew to manhood. He experienced all the hardships
of the early pioneer life. He was married at the age of nineteen to
a Miss Roseberry and to this union were born two
children: one, a girl, who died in infancy, and the other, Elwood,
who lives at the present time in Iowa. Benjamin Snodgrass, Jr., was
married, secondly, to Sarah Leonard, who was born in
North Carolina on April 14, 1852, and who was the daughter of John
A. and Lavina (Curry) Leonard, both of North Carolina. There were
likewise pioneers of Sugar Creek township [Hancock County]. Their old
homestead is in the south part of Sugar Creek township, where Homer
Leonard now resides. Sarah Leonard, who was the mother of
the subject of this sketch, was one of thirteen children, all deceased
except Homer, Melissa and Sheppard.
After the first marriage of Benjamin Snodgrass, he started to farm for
himself on forty acres which he at that time owned and which is now a part
of the William Lantz farm. After his second
marriage, he and his brother bought a farm in Moral township, Shelby county,
and there he resided for six or seven years. In the fall of 1864 he
moved to a farm two and one-half miles southeast of New Palestine, where he
bought an eighty-acre tract. Here he spent the remainder of his
life. This place had only a small log house and barn and about thirty
acres of cleared land. He died here in 1878 at the age of
forty-seven. His wife survived him by about ten years. She died
in June, 1887, at the age of fifty-seven years.
It was to this place
where he now resides that Velasco Snodgrass, the subject of this sketch came
with his parents, as a boy of seven years. He spent the balance of his
childhood and youth here and attended the old Gates school. His first
teacher in Shelby county was Sarah Cunningham and his
first teacher in Hancock county was Hoppy McDougal. He
remained on the old home place until he was twenty-four years of age.
On November 3, 1881, he was married to Diza Smith, who
was born in Moral township, Shelby county, April 4, 1857, the daughter
of James H. and Nancy (Emmons) Smith, both of whom
were natives of Maryland and came to Shelby county in the early pioneer
days. The Smiths settled in Shelby county and the Emmons in Hancock
county. The former had thirteen children, eleven of whom still
survive, and Diza Smith, the wife of the subject of this sketch, was the
tenth in order of birth. After his marriage, Velasco R. Snodgrass
rented his father-in-law's farm in Shelby county for two years. He
then moved back to his old home place, where he has since resided.
After his mother's death he bought out the other heirs and became the sole
owner of the home place. He has continued to improve the place by
improving his residence, which now contains eight rooms, and his barn, which
is now thirty-six by fifty feet. He has also erected a fine stock barn
and a double corncrib and other building in keeping with the
surroundings. in 1910 he bought forty-acres one mile northeast of the
home place and for this he paid one hundred and fifteen dollars per acre,
and in 1914 he bought forty acres more adjoining this tract, for which he
paid one hundred and fifty dollars per acre.
Velasco R. Snodgrass
and wife are the parents of the following children: Clarence,
who is married to Nannie Tucker and who resides in Sugar
creek township and who is the father of two children, Agnes
and Frances; James H., Ira, Carrie, the
latter three all at home. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Snodgrass had five
children, two boys and three girls: Velasco, who is the subject
of this sketch; Xenis, who died at the age of nineteen
years; Levina, who died at the age of two; Marie,
who is the wife of Marshall Bussel, who resides at
Morristown; Esther, who is the wife of Albert Stone
and who resides in Morristown, Indiana.
Velasco R. Snodgrass
is a Democrat in politics. He has served as township trustee of Sugar
Creek township from 1905 to 1909. He is one of Hancock county's
well-known and substantial citizens. His standing in this community is
shown by the offices which he has held and of other opportunities which he
felt compelled to decline. It goes without saying that he enjoys the
respect of his fellow citizens and that he is a man of sterling character.
History of Hancock County, Indiana: Its People, Industries and
Institutions, George J. Richman, B. L., 1916, Federal Publishing Co.,
Inc., Indianapolis, pages 1003-1005.

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