Horace Weaver
A search of the records of old Vermont will show that the Weavers were at the front during the days that tried men's souls, in the exciting times of the "Green Mountain Boys," and participated in many of the stirring incidents of the great revolution.
Frederick Weaver served as a soldier during the war of Independence, and shared with his brethren the undying glories of Bunker Hill.
He married Mary, daughter of Catherine Morse, who gained fame as the commander of an ocean vessel and was a descendant of the Morse of colonial fame.
They left a son, Noah F. Weaver, who was born in Vermont June 7, 1800, and was married to
Lucy G. Wilkins, June 22, 1831. The parents of Mrs. Weaver were
Uriah and Lucy (Green) Wilkins, the latter a descendant of Nathaniel Green, of Revolutionary fame.
The Wilkinses were natives of New Hampshire, but were married in Vermont, where Lucy was born February 28, 1815.
In 1853 they emigrated to Ohio, two years later removed to Bartholomew county, Indiana, and still later went to Jasper county, where the old pioneer died October 2, 1853.
After his death his widow removed to White county, where she died January 22, 1860.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver were Angeline, deceased; Horace, and
Charles F. Mrs. Weaver died at the home of her son Horace, in Moral township, and Mr. Weaver died at his home in Johnson county.
Horace Weaver, surviving son of this pioneer couple, was born at Manchester, Bennington county, Vermont, August 13, 1836.
When he had finished his nineteenth year he began work for himself as a farm laborer, continued in this line for two years, and then became a renter.
The Civil war shirred the Weaver blood just as a previous call, many decades before, had set his ancestors in motion to help their country in time of need.
So, on April 21, 1861, he enlisted in Company H, Seventh Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and his company was the first to leave Johnson county for the three months' service.
After a few days at Camp Morton, the regiment was ordered to West Virginia and took part in the campaign, which culminated in the battle of Phillipi, the first Union victory of the war.
Other engagements were at Laurel Hill, Cheat River and Garrick's Ford. After finishing its term of enlistment, the command was mustered out in August, and Mr. Weaver returned to Johnson county.
In a short time he enlisted in Company G, Third Indiana Cavalry, and with this command participated in many of the bloodiest engagements of the war.
He was with Sherman during the memorable campaign of 1864, and after the fall of Atlanta, his company was consolidated with the Eighth Indiana, but happening to be on a detached duty Mr. Weaver was not transferred.
He served as a scout at the headquarters of General Kilpatrick, and took part in much dangerous work, until March 9, 1865, when on the march through North Carolina he, with about two hundred of his comrades, was surprised by the enemy near Solomon's Grove, near Fayetteville and taken to Richmond, Virginia.
After confinement for several days in various prisons, including one night at Libby, they were paroled and sent to Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio.
June 18, 1865 he was honorably discharged and made his way direct to his old home in Johnson county.
He engaged for some time in farming, but eventually moved to Shelby county, and bought the farm in Moral township, where he has since made his home.
February 26, 1857, Mr. Weaver married Lidia
A., daughter of Clark and Margaret (Forsythe) Tucker, who died November 15, 1859, leaving one child,
Luella, who is the wife of Jesse M. Duckworth, of Johnson county, October 28, 1867, Mr. Weaver married
Lucy E., daughter of James and Elizabeth (Carr) McCasting, of Johnson county.
The children of this union were Emma, wife of David Smith, who has one child,
Melba, and resides at Shelbyville. Frank, a widower with four children,
Clarence, Cecil, Paul and Dorris, is a resident of Moral township.
Eddie married an Ensminger and lives in Van Buren township. Allie, wife of
Harry Schlosser, resides in Moral township and has one child, Earl.
Bertha, wife of Arthur Hasler, of Hancock county, has three children,
Gerald, Ralph and Margaret. Ollie, the other daughter of the family, is attending school.
Mr. Weaver and wife are members of the Baptist church, of which he is a trustee and deacon. He was made a Mason in 1866 and holds membership in the lodge at Franklin. He is a charter member and past chancellor of Moral Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at London. Until the post was discontinued at Palestine he was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic at that place and for several years was its commander.
He has been a staunch Republican all his life and for awhile was a member of the Republican County Central Committee.
There was none more patriotic than the Weaver family during the early days of the country.
Mr. Weaver's father, Charles F. Weaver, served as a soldier in the Eighty-first Indiana Regiment.
Eight of his cousins in one family and four in another were members of the Grand Army which, after four years of unexampled hardship, succeeded in saving and restoring the Union.
Mr. Weaver himself has long been recognized as one of the best farmers and most substantial citizens of the county.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, 1909, pages
Copied by Kathy Ridlen

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