John Shaw
John Shaw, an old citizen of Addison Township, was born in
Jackson Township, this county, October 3rd, 1823, being the youngest of a family of nine children born to
William and Elizabeth
(Miller) Shaw, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and emigrated
from Ohio to this State about 1816 or '18, and first settled in Jackson Township, where
they continued to live about two years, when
they removed to another tract in the same township, where they
lived until their death. The father dying when John was but fourteen years of age, left him to aid in the support of his widowed
mother, who survived her husband, and made her home with our
subject until her death, which occurred, January 2nd, 1863. They
were poor and endured all the hardships and trials that were incident to pioneer life in the early settlement of the county. John
received a very limited education, the family being unable to spare
him much from work on the farm. January 4th, 1857, his marriage with Salina Willits
was solemnized, and to their union six
children have been born of whom these five are now living: Thomas,
who married Florence Bradley, Ellen now Mrs. James
Cherry, Jennie, wife of Martin Cherry, James and
Harry. Mr. Shaw has
always made farming his principal occupation, in connection with
which he trades in stock for several, years and he has been very successful.
He commenced a poor boy, and by hard work, industry and
economy, he now owns a fine well improved farm of 277 acres, formerly owned by the
LaMaster brothers, later by Jacob Vernon. In
politics he is a Democrat, and always manifests a live interest in
the political affairs of the county. State and Nation, being a citizen
universally esteemed by those who know him.
History of Shelby
County, Indiana, "Addison [Township] Sketches," Brant
and Fuller, Chicago, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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