Shelby County, Indiana
Michael Keller
Michael Keller, blacksmith; P. O. Butlerville, is a native of Germany, born April 21, 1837. He came to America with his parents when about one year of age, settling in Shelby County, Indiana. His father, after whom the son was named, was born in Germany also, about the year 1806. Michael Sr. married Mary Hechler, one year his junior. Mary died in Shelby County in the year 1841, and he fifteen years later, near Nashville, Indiana. Mr. Keller, Jr., has been twice married, the first time Nov. 10, 1857, to Ellen Seaman; one child was the result of this union, Laura, who died at three years of age. He lost his wife by death in 1863. Mr. K. was married the second time Oct. 3, 1867, to Mary E. Fryberger, and this union was blessed by the birth of five children, of which number, two are deceased - Dellis C. born Aug. 12, 1869, Williard and Minnie, twins, born in the year 1871, both deceased; Millie E., born June 29, 1872, and May B., born in the year 1874. Mr. Keller learned the blacksmith trade, at which he has constantly labored for a livlihood to support his family. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, No. 135, Butlerville, Ohio, and of I. O. O. F., No. 656, Pleasant Plain.
The History of Warren County, Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches: Harlan Township. Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992. Page 1036
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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