Albert McRea
ALBERT MCREA is a native of Hendricks Township, born September 21, 1830, being the seventh in a family of ten children born to John and Elizabeth (Templeton) McRea, who were natives of New York and Virginia, respectively. They married in Ohio, and came to this county about 1833, continuing residents of this county until their death, both having died before the immediate subject of our sketch ahd attained his majority. He received a common school education. In 1861, he realized the necessity of the preservation of our Union, and enlisted in Company C, Seventh Regiment, under Captain Blair, in what was known as the three months' service, and was honorably discharged at the expiration of his term. In 1863, he again enlisted, this time in Company D, Sixteenth Indiana Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, serving until the close of the war. He was present during both enlistments in the following important engagements: Phillipi and Carick's Ford, and all the battles incident to what was known as the Red River Campaign. He received hi discharge at Indianapolis, in November, 1865, on account of the close of the war. About two years later his marriage with Mary Campbell was solemnized, and to their union this one child was born: John. Their union was of comparatively short duration, he suffering the bereavement of losing his beloved wife about tow years subsequent. November, 1878, his and Lillie Snyder's nuptials were celebrated, and to their union these tow children have been born: Annis and Harry. Mr. McCrea has always made farming his occupation, and he has been quite successful. He now owns 155 acres of well improved land. In politics he is a Republican, and generally manifests a good, live interest in the political affairs of the county and community in which he lives. Mrs. McRea is a daughter of Jacob and Margaret (McPherson) Snyder. The former, a native of Maryland, was born September 24, 1817.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Hendricks [Township] Sketches,"
page 658-59, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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