William H. H.
The subject of this biographical memoir was for many years a prominent citizen of Hendricks township, Shelby county, Indiana, having performed well his part in the development of the community in which he settled. While he carried on agricultural pursuits in a manner as to gain a comfortable
competence for himself and family, he also belonged to that class of representative citizens who promote the public welfare while advancing individual success. There were in him sterling traits which
commanded uniform confidence and regard, and his memory is today honored by all who knew him.
William H. H. Campbell was born in Grant county, Indiana, August 7, 1841, and while in
the zenith of his powers and in the midst of a very active and useful career he was summoned by the
fate that awaits us all to join that choir invisible above, and he fearlessly and trustingly laid his armor
by, like the good man spoken of in the Holy Writ, and is now sleeping the sleep of the just.
William H. H. Campbell was the son of David and Julia Ann (Fitz) Campbell, both natives of Ohio, but they came in an early day to Grant county, Indiana, where they farmed for several years and became influential in their community, subsequently moving to Shelby county, Indiana,
where they purchased a farm, successfully managing the same until their deaths. David Campbell and wife were good Christians and their example was always wholesome, being highly respected
wherever they were known. Mr. Campbell was a Republican.
The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, where he early acquired those habits of industry which characterized his entire life. He was a studious boy and received a good education in the common schools and in Franklin College, from which he graduated, having made a splendid record
there for scholarship.
The domestic life of Mr. Campbell dates from January 7, 1868, when he was untied in marriage with Barbara Snyder, who was born in Shelby county, Indiana, the daughter of Michael and Magdalena (Lambert) Snyder, a well known family, Michael Snyder having been a native of Maryland, coming to Ohio when ten years of age with his mother, in which state he resided until he was seventeen years old, when he removed to Indiana, settling in Bartholomew county, where he married. In 1844 he removed to Jackson township, Shelby county, locating here on a farm, where
he remained, but moved later to Hendricks township and lived there until his death in 1900, at an
advanced age, having been born in 1816. Mrs. Campbell's paternal grandfather, John Snyder, was also a native of the state of Maryland.
Magdalena Lambert was born in Pennsylvania and she was called to her rest in 1903. The parents of Mrs. Campbell were first members of the Lutheran church, later they allied themselves with
the Methodist denomination. To Michael Snyder and wife fifteen children were born, ten of whom
are living, namely: Daniel, Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Barbara, George, Manda, Lucinda, Jackson, Frank; the rest of the children died unnamed.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. H. Campbell was blessed by the birth of five children, namely: Frank, died in infancy; Maggie is the wife of William Newcomb; Charles, who is a resident of Hendricks township, Shelby county, married Audra Dritt, and this union has resulted in the birth of two children, Thelma and Odessa; George Campbell, who has remained single, is living on the old homestead, operating the farm for his mother in a very successful manner; Dora is the wife of Andrew Lympus, and they are living in Shelby County.
Mrs. Campbell, widow of the subject, has spent her entire life within the borders of Shelby county, and she is justly proud of the fact that she is a descendant of one of the old pioneer families
of this region. She has rendered much aid in bringing the old farm on which she still resides up to its
present high state of improvement, making it rank with Shelby county's attractive farms. She is a
member of the Methodist Episcopal church and of the Aid Society of the same, being highly respected in the congregation.
Mr. Campbell is remembered as a man of the most exemplary habits, a kind husband, indulgent
father and admirable neighbor, consequently he was respected and loved by all. While he was not a
member of any church he believed in the principles of Christianity and was truly a good man, his life
being eminently worthy of imitation in many respects.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well
known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 557-558.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming.

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