Charles T.
Charles T. Sprague
was born January- 20, 1854, in Shelbyville. His parents are Jasper H. and
Dulcina (Town) Sprague. He received a good education in the schools of the town, and after-
ward attended Asbury now DePauw, University. On his return to
this place in 1871, he began practicing civil engineering for which
he had prepared himself. In 1875, he began the study of law in
the office of Hord & Blair, and was soon after admitted to the bar.
In 1877, he was appointed City Engineer of Shelbyville for one
term. He next engaged in the stave business in which he continued until 1880.
In that year he began doing local work on the Daily Republican,
which he followed for one year. In 1 881, he accepted the position of city editor on the
Daily Evening Democrat,
which position he now holds. He was married March 13, 1882, to Miss Minnie Skinner.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville Sketches,"
Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 537.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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