Charles W. Bogue
Charles W. Bogue
was born in Perquimans County, N. C., Aug. 8, 1810, the third son of Josiah
and Elizabeth (Wells) Bogue, natives of North Carolina, of
German and Irish descent. When he was an infant his parents moved to
Preble County, Ohio, and settled on a frontier farm where he was reared,
receiving a limited education in the subscription schools. He resided with
his parents until his marriage and then settled on a part of his father's farm,
remaining there till the fall of 1832 when, being desirous of procuring a home,
he moved to what was then an unsettled country, Henry County, Ind., and bought
160 acres of unimproved land, which he began to clear and improve and in a few
years had made of it one of the best farms in the county. He was
industrious and energetic and accumulated a good property. In 1882 he
retired from the cares of the farm and moved to Spiceland where he and his wife
are enjoying the comforts obtained by an early life of toil. Mr. Bogue was
married May 26, 1831, to Sarah, daughter of James
and Mary (Elliott) Horton. They have had seven children;
but two are living -- Annis and John. The
deceased are -- Joseph, Charles, Alfred, Stephen and
History of Henry County, Indiana, Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co., 1884, page 798-799.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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