Allen Thomas
Allen Thomas, a prominent farmer of Addison Township, is a
native of Marion Township, this county, where he was born, August
15, 1824, being the fourth son of a family of ten children, born to William and Mary (Reece)
Thomas, who were natives of Maryland
and Ohio, respectively. They were among the early settlers of
the county, having come about 1818. They remained residents of
this county until their death. Allen remained with his parents until they both died, which took place when he was about fifteen
years of age. He was thus early thrown upon his own resources,
and had to fight his own way in the world. He received such an
education as was to be afforded in the log school-houses which then
existed. February 17, 1848, his marriage with Nancy Hewitt was solemnized.
To them were born two children, one only now living, Martha J. Parker.
About six years later, Mr. Thomas suffered
the bereavement of losing his wife. November 10, 1854, marriage with
Rebecca Nail, daughter of Samuel Nail, was celebrated. To the latter union have been born eleven children, seven of whom
are now alive: Samuel, who married Marietta Hankins,
Nancy A.,
unmarried, Alice, wife of George Sanders, Dora,
Charles, Augustus and Zella. Farming, with the exception of a few
years, has
been Mr. Thomas' business. Those few years excepted, were
spent in the grain business in Fairland, Ind. He has been very
successful, and now owns one of the finest and most valuable farms
in Shelby County, comprising about 250 acres. He and wife are
members of the Methodist Protestant Church. In politics, Mr.
Thomas is a Republican.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Addison [Township] Sketches," page 601-602.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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