1865, attended school at Asbury University, Greencastle, Indiana, where he graduated in the year 1869.
He returned to this city and entered the law office of Davis & Wright as student, and set up in business for himself in
1871. He was elected city clerk in the year 1871 and served for two years.
He practiced law until 1873, when he gave that business up and started an insurance agency which he has carried on ever since.
He has been very successful, and now has a business in this line that is very extensive.
His legal training has been a great advantage to him in his present business.
It has made him thoroughly conversant with all forms of contracts, and he is enabled, thereby, to write up a policy that is sure to hold good, and all
persons entrusting their business in his hands can rest assured of its being transacted in a safe, strictly honorable and business-like manner.
He represents the following companies: Royal, of Liverpool; Fire Association,
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Home, of New York; all fire insurance companies, and the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, all of which are substantial, old established companies, and are so well known that comment is unnecessary.
Next article in the 1879 "
Smiling Shelbyville!" series,
Henry Burkher, Jr.
Copied by Jeanne Surber

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