Cornelius Means
Cornelius Means is a native of Moral Township, Shelby County, Ind., and was born March 8, 1837. He is the son of
Robert and Jemima (House)
Means, and is of Irish-German descent. His father was born in Rockingham County, N.C., February 2, 1807, and died in Shelby County, May 8, 1884.
mother of our subject was a native of Kentucky, and died in this county in
1846. The family came originally from the "Emerald Isle," settled in North
Carolina, but afterward removed to the northwestern part of Shelby County.
Mr. Means is the third of seven children by his father's first marriage,
and was raised on the farm. He received a fair common school education. In
1860, he began merchandising at Brookfield, this county, in which business
he continued two years. He then went to Vandalia, Iowa, where he remained
some time. Afterward he enlisted in Company F, Forty-seventh Regiment
Iowa Volunteer Infantry. After a service of four months, he returned to
Shelby County. In 1867, he again began the business of merchant at
Brookfield as the partner of his brother, Caleb F. Means. This business
union lasted sixteen years. In 1884, Mr. Means came to Shelbyville and
engaged in the dry goods business with J. H. Akers, the firm now being
known as J. H. Akers & Company. In this relation to Mr. Means still
remains. The subject of our sketch was married November 24, 1867, to
Miss Belle J. Weaver, a native of Indianapolis, born March 6, 1848, and the
daughter of Edward A. and Margaret Weaver. They have four children:
Oren W., Jessie M., Earl W. and Amy F. In politics, Mr. Means is a
Republican. While at Brookfield he was for many years both railroad agent
and post master. He was at the same time the leading business man of that
section of the country. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.
Mr. Means has been a resident of this county for more than fifty years,
and is a well-known and highly respected citizen.
Brant & Fuller's History of Shelby County, 1887, pages 513-514.
Contributed by Cindy Jones

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