Elwood Barnard, one of the best known and most
substantial farmers of Hancock county, as well as on e of the leading
manufacturers of high-grade sorghum in the United States, is a native son of
this count and has lived here all his life. He was born on a farm in
Green township, this county, October 1, 1860, son of Robert
Young and Polly (Hopper) Barnard, the former a native of
North Carolina and the latter of Indiana or Virginia, who for years were
among the best-known and most highly respected residents of Green township.
Robert Young Barnard
was born in Iredell county, North Carolina, January 3, 1814, eighth in
descent from Thomas Barnard, one f the original purchasers of
Nantucket Island. He came to Indiana in his youth with his parents and
grew to manhood in this state. He married Polly Hopper, was born
near the town of Milton in Wayne county, this state, September 2, 1819, and
settled on a farm in Green township, near Eden, in this county, where he and
his wife spent the remainder of their days, her death occurring on February
6, 1898, and his on August 11, 1902. They were earnest member of the
Society of Friends and helpful and useful members of the community in which
they spent many years.
Elwood Barnard was
reared on the paternal farm in Green township and completed his schooling in
Spiceland Academy. When twenty-three years of age he married and began
farming on his own account. Twenty-five years ago, he began the
manufacture of sorghum on his home farm on rural route No. 5, out of
Greenfield, and ever since has made a specialty of that line, long having
been recognized as one of the leading producers of grade sorghum in this
country. Not only does he raise a large acreage of cane on his own
place, but encourages the growth of cane among the farmers of this county
generally, his big plant being able to take care of a vast amount of cane
during the season, providing a ready market for that product
here-about. The capacity of the Barnard sorghum factory is twelve
hundred gallons a day and the average number of gallons turned out in season
is above thrity-9one thousand. Mr. Barnard also is an extensive dealer
in cane seed and seed oats and the Barnard farm is one of the best managed
and most productive in this part of the state.
On October 18, 1883,
at Spiceland, Elwood Barnard was unite din marriage to Ola Gordon,
who was born near Knightstown, this state, November 27, 1865, and to this
union five children have been born, four daughters and one son, Ethel,
Olive, Helen, Anna and Robert G. Olive
Barnard married Fred Ayres and lives on rural route No. 5,
out of Greenfield, and Anna Barnard married Don Fitzgerald
and lives at Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard are members of the
Society of Friends and take a warm interest in the general good works of
their home community. Mr. Barnard is a thirty-second degree Mason,
affiliated with the Indianapolis consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite;
a noble of Murat Temple, Ancient Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine,
at Indianapolis; past master of Eden Lodge No. 477, Free and Accepted
Masons; past high priest of Eden Chapter No. 119, Royal Arch Masons; member
of the McCordsville Council, Royal and Select Masons' past eminent commander
of Greenfield Commandery No. 39, Knights Templar, and grand king of the
grand chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of Indiana.
The sorghum
manufactured by Mr. Barnard is considered by those who know as the finest
grade produced. This product was exhibited at the world's fair in
Chicago under the auspices of the department of agriculture of the United
States government and this department chose Mr. Barnard's product as the
best to exhibit.
History of Hancock County, Indiana: Its People, Industries and
Institutions, George J. Richman, B.L., 1916, Federal Publishing Co.,
Inc., Indianapolis, pages 944-945. [Includes a great portrait.]

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