Harry C. Ray, Deputy Auditor, is a native of Shelby
Indiana, born July 11, 1846, the eldest son of Hon. Martin M. and
Susan (Cross) Ray. He received his early educational training in
the schools of Shelbyville, and subsequently entered the North
Western Christian University at Indianapolis, in which institution
he took a thorough literary course, graduating in 1868. Soon
after completing his education, he accepted a position in the Treasury Department at Washington, and was thus engaged until the
following year, when he returned to Indiana. In 1870, he began
reading law in Danville, and, in connection with his legal studies,
wrote for the press until 1873, which time he came to Shelbyville and engaged in the practice of his profession. He abandoned
the legal business in 1875, and for four years thereafter was Deputy
Treasurer, retiring from that position in 1879, and accepting his
present place as Deputy County Auditor. Mr. Ray is a courteous
gentleman, an accomplished business man, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of a large number of friends in the city and
county. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and has represented
Shelby Lodge No. 39, in the Grand Lodge of Indiana. In 1883,
he was elected as a member of City Council for a term of two

Photographs from Boetcker's Picturesque Shelbyville, 1909